









Alexandroy Makedonon

History of Makedonia

            THE AGE OF THE GODDESS MA AND THE CREATOR D begins when the Makedonians began to worship those ancient deities. THE AGE OF THE GODDESS MA AND THE CREATOR D is still going on, as long as Makedonians exist, it will go on.

            NOT ''Macedonia''  buth ''Makedonia'', with ''k''. The Makedonians  can not interpreted the word ''macedonia'' because that word  ''macedonia'' is coming from the  ancient Romans. The Makedonians exist until and today with Makedonian state.

THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF vasileos PHILIPPOY MAKEDONON - THE MAKEDONIAN (King Philip of Makedonia) from the ancient Makedonian capital EGE ( Aegea )






Makedonian Coat of Arms

11. Makedonia is ALL, stands for Coat of Arms to Makedonia - THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF VASILEOS MAKEDONON PHILIPPOY, WITH SIXTEEN  SOLAR  RAYS,... because it is the only, HISTORICLY true coat of arms symbol that reflects and defines the Makedonians and Makedonia. 




     So the rays symbolize the sixteen Makedonian tribes, while the two rings around the rose which symbolizes Makedonia and the ruler, symbolize the state (the first lower) the people and (the second inner and higher) the nobles., while the rose with 10 wreaths symbolizes the 10 commandments of God, and the color of the turquoise rose, the Aegean Sea (AGA SEY).

Makedonian coin MAKEDONON

MAKEDON ON (MAKEDON HE)  HE is MAKEDON, children of the Mother of God Ma - Ma ke d on i a


The Makedonian Sun with 16 rays is a unique Makedonian symbol.

АGА, not Aegea

The Makedonian tribes unified by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy, is:

(From Aga),

(From Almopia)

(From Bellas),

(From Ber),

(From Belagon),

(From Ilymaia),

(From Lynkistidion - Lynk),

(From Orest),

(From Payonia),

(From the Peninsula Halkideon),

(From Molotson - Achilea),

(From Karia - Dzeika, ''ka and Dze'' so-called Asia Minor), therefore the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon planned a campaign on Bersia (Persia) to liberate them, the Phrygians from Phrygia can also be considered, the former worries. In Dzeika or Dzenika there were other colonies of Makedonians, Makedonian colonies colonized earlier),

(From Thrace),

(From Tribalion),

(From Illyria, it was a military union, not a state - The Union of the god Il and the creator Yr - ''Ar'') and

(From Dardania, for this purpose they were removed from the Illyrian military alliance by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon).


Their common feature is that they worshiped the Goddess Great Mother - MA.

 BEFORE THE UNIFICATION THE MAKEDONIAN SUN WAS WITH EIGHT SOLAR RAYS, joined symbolically by rays around (Dze) the ruler:

(From Aga),

(From Almopia),

(From Bellas),

(From Ber),

(From Belagon),

(From Ilymaia),

(From Lynkistidion - Lynk),

(From Orest).


      Great historical injustice especially for the Makedonians this symbol is to appoint them as '\\\'kutlesh\\\'\ or \\'vergina\\''.
The place where this symbol is found is the ancient Makedonian city Aga (Ege), which had been long time was Makedonian capital.
When came the Ottomans (Turks) site of Aga was renamed in '\\'kutlesh\\' - meaning pot, and in 1925 the Greeks renamed site of Aga in '\\'Vergina'\\', Greeks who in 1977 ​​ desecrated the remains of the famous Makedonian ruler and father of Makedonian nation Philippoy Makedonon.

The second version "kutlesh" - kut lesh - the corpse that limps, namely because Makedonian vasileos Philippoy Makedonon suffered many wounds including one wound on the knee that caused him to that limps, his comrades called him "kutlesh" - the corpse that bends, so reproach.

So now you decide how you will call this symbol of the Makedonian nation not other than: THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF PHILIPOY MAKEDONON.



АGА, not Aegea

Македонсктo писмо - КОИНОН МАКЕДОНОН



AGA (Aegea - the name of the sacred goat and the city) DZE IT'S HERE

AGA - the ancient Makedonian capital AGA (not Aegea - or not ''vergina'')

DZE -  the ancient God of the Sun - light


          АGA in the ancient world it refers to the sacred goat Аga who was worshiped as a deity at least 2000 years BC, hence the name of the ancient Makedonian capital Aga (not an Aegea name that is misread or "vergina" a name given by the Greeks after 1925 to the ancient archaeological site, the Greeks, who have absolutely no relation to the ancient peoples of the region, of course they are reading it wrong ''AГAΘE - AGATHE'', they translate it as "good luck", which is absurd, which part of the word, more precisely the words, denote ''good luck'', ''AGA'' or ''THE'').

          Makedonian coins with the letter ''?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? '' - DZ - Dze and holy goat Аga, from the Makedonian ruler, Vasileos Amyntaoy (not Amynta, why was it read wrongly) The FIRST.

A circle with a spot indicates the letter ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' - ''?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? '' - DZ it is in honor of God Dze (not Zeus, why was it read wrongly), letter that was replaced by the Romans with the letter ''?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? '' - TX, circle with line after 40 BC.., from here the Greeks reading ''THE'' not ''DZE'',

It is assumed that gave the name of the city the Makedonian ruler, Vasileos Karanon, according to one of his dreams or legend, that a goat would show him the city from where he would rule, but there are indicators, which should be further investigated because solid evidence is needed, that the name of the city is more ancient.

[1].  THE LEGEND about the beginning of Makedonia

        The GOD of the Sun (more precisely the god of the Universe), the Creator - D ON, in love in the Goddesses MA, he come down to the earth and unites with the Goddesses MA,... THUS from their childbirth comes Makedon, the son of God.

       DON, The God of the Sun is a symbol of the Sun, and the Goddess MA is a symbol of the flowers, THAT'S HOW THEY ARE REPRESENTED BY THE MAKEDONIAN RULERS, WITH A SUN AND A ROSE IN THE MIDDLE.



Makedonian  representacion of  Goddess MA (the flower) and God Don (more precisely the god of the Universe)  - the Makedonian Sun vith 16  rays and the flower in the center

MA   and  Don

M  A  K  E  D  O  N  I  A 

LAND of the Mother of God

M  A  K  E  D  O  N  I  A


MAKE - mother 100% Makedonian word and today
D ON - God D, ON - he
I - and
A - I

From left to right - МА КЕ D ОN I А, from the tomb of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy

From right to left - МА КЕ  D ОN I А, from the tomb of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy

The Makedonians childrens of the Mother of God Ma - Makedonia - MAKEDON and MY - and i am children of the Mother of God - Ma - Makedonia


MAKEDON - Makedonian epic hero
I - and
A - I

MAKEDON and MY - and i am children of the Mother of God Ma - Makedonia

The name of the Makedonians: ''The Childrens of the Great Mother'' -  written in the Rosetta Stone. The writing on the stone it refers that ''he (the pharaoh) is a blood of The Children (Makedon) of the Great Mother''. 

     - The Childrens of the Great Mother - the name of the Makedonians. 


          When Makedonians engaged in astronomy, the Danai's still lived in Africa.

history of macedonia history of macedonia
"Cosmos" is a Makedonian word, more precisely exactly 2 words:

 "kos mos" - oblique bridge.

history of macedonia

Proof is the Megalithic Observatory - Kokino - Republic of Macedonia, also recognized by NASA 2005

The Kokino "megalithic observatory", the early European Bronze Age. It shows signs of occupation for the period from the 19th to the 7th centuries BC. Finds from the Middle Bronze Age (c. 16th to 14th centuries BC) are the most numerous (mainly ceramic vessels, stone-mills, a few molds, and a pendant)

Kokino was briefly mentioned in a poster made by NASA's "Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum" in 2005.

NASA ranked Kokino in fourth place in the list of 15 such observatories in the world. The first four observatories according to NASA are:

1. Abu Simbel - Egypt
2. Stonehenge - Great Britain
3. Angkor Wat - Cambodia
4. Kokino - Republic of Macedonia


history of macedonia

Magnificent - The Kokino "megalithic observatory", the early European Bronze Age. It shows signs of occupation for the period from the 19th to the 7th centuries BC. - Republic of Macedonia.

           If you count, 4 millennia ago, you will come as you were, and then there was the Great Mother - Ma ke don i a.

Odiern's Greeks, instead of crying, learn to count.

history of macedonia

The Great Mother, a megalith from the vicinity of Prilep - Republic of Macedonia, 4000 years of the Makedonian era. The monumental sculpture of the Great Mother with three faces 67 m high. is located on Selecka Mountain in Republic of Macedonia, in the direction east of the city of Prilep, three kilometers east of the village Selce.   

Today's poor Greeks do not even know or have heard of the Great Mother, and they want to be bigger "Makedonians" than the Makedonians themselves, this is a tragic-comedy, real.

history of macedonia

GOD'S MOTHER (GREAT MOTHER) Prehistoric testimonies from Osincani, Govrlevo - Republic of Makedonia  

     The Great Mother, who is also mentioned on the Rosetta Stone, and the today's poor Greeks want to say they know everything about: ''Ma ke don i a''. The cult of the Mother of God in Makedonia dates back to the Neolithic period in Makedonia. So now count how long the tradition of the Name of Makedonia is long.


history of macedonia


     The name of the Makedonians: ''The Childrens of the Great Mother'' - written in the Rosetta Stone. The writing on the stone it refers that ''he (the pharaoh) is a blood of The Children (Makedon) of the Great Mother''

history of macedonia  Makedonian coin MAKEDONON

MAKEDONON - MAKEDON ON - MKEDONON he is Makedon, The Children (Makedon) of the Greaat Mother

history of macedoniaMakedonian coin MA KE (mother)

MAKEDON - Makedonian epic hero 
MAKE - Mother
DON - God our creator
I - and
A - MY

MAKEDON and MY - and i am children of the Mother of God, Ma - Makedonia

history of macedonia


        On the Rosetta Stone is inscribed not only the name of the Makedonians but the Danai are also noted. They are the so-called "ancient Greeks'' of southern Dzeia (Europe) the Adzaians (Danai's) and they base is the Nubians of Nubia. Where the pharaoh of Makedonian roots settled them on Upper Egypt from the of Adzena (Danai's) - Peninsula of Adzenika (future Attica).
        Because the Makedonians were waging a civil war among themselves, Ptolemy 5 (the pharaoh -  ''naidzeito nashe'', in Makedonian) is a blood of The Children (Makedon) of the Greaat Mother, had mercenaries in his army - Danai's from the Adzena.
The pharaoh sends them back to where they migrated centuries ago, as a mercenary army.




Karan on  (''karan'' - he is the expelled  king)

           The ancient Makedonian capital Aga (Aegea) is mentioned by ZET (the ray - king), IGAL AL, ruler of Zeta - ancient state  before 1400 B.C. who boasted that he destroy the city Ege and his shield adorned with the Sun of 8 zeti (rays). That was around 1400 - 1380 BC.

Makedonia is mentioned in the book of Melegene (Homer) The Illiad and The Odyssey in the War of Ilion (The Troyan War) which lasted around 1194 - 1184 B.C. which means 550-580 B.C. years before Makedonian king Karanon.

The alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' is a Makedonian.

       Following the coins and the letter ''DZ'' - Dze, we came to a very significant discovery, and that is the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy (not Amyntas, why was it read wrongly) The FIRST, the father of Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) The FIRST, already used it the alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' before his son and successor of his coins, so the theory that the alphabet originates from the time of the Makedonian ruler Koinon (not Koinos), is more closer.

The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy The FIRST signed his coins with the name of the god of light DZE, the letter: '' ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? ''- 'DZ or Dze.

    ''The Makedonians, proven on coins from the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amintaoy The FIRST, the father of the Makedonian Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) The FIRST, the Makedonian rulers officially for the needs of the Makedonian court used the alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'', at least 100 years before the Adzeians (Danai's, according to Rosetta Stone, so - called ''ancient Athenians'' but after 40 BC'').
Adzena ( the Danai city - state, so - called ''Athens'' after 40 BC), which even in 403 BC during the reign of the Adzeian tyrant Euclidas (Papastavrou, 1972, 61) introduced the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON"

        Many want to know how the Makedonians had spoken, 2500 years ago, there is no difference between the so-called ancient Makedonian language and today's one they are the same.

Here we will give you some example:

Македонсктo писмо - КОИНОН МАКЕДОНОН


AGA - the ancient Makedonian capital (Aga not Aegea or ''vergina''),

DZE -  the ancient god of the Sun - light.



      The book of MAKEDONON in action, there is no text of the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON in the Makedonian or foreign language, which cannot be translated with the help of the book.

As the other an example we will take '' The Bellas - Illuminated (not Pella) board '' and is in Makedonian llanguage, proves that there is no difference between the so-called ancient Macedonian language and today's one they are the same.

1: [?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? Ε]ΜΑΣ ΚΑ Ι ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΦΩΝ ΤΟ ΣΤΟΤΕΛΟ ΣΚ ΑΙ ΤΟ ΝΓΑ ΜΟΝΚΑΤΑ ΓΡΑΦΩΚΑ ΙΤΑ ΝΑ ΛΛΑΝΑΣΑΝ ΓΥ;

''Dze, Ma, I and Dionosifon, this body want and that is him Monkata Grafoka, go to burn with him''

Very romantic inscription

The first line of '' The Bellas board '' the lead roll:

1.  [?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? EΜ]ΑΣ   ΚΑ  Ι  ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΦΩΝ ΤΟ Σ ΤΟ  ΤΕΛΟ  ΣΚΑ  Ι  ΤΟ  ΝΓΑ   ΜΟΝΚΑΤΑ  ΓΡΑΦΩΚΑ  ΙΤΑ   ΝΑ  ΛΛΑAΝΑ  ΣΑ  ΝΓΥ: - Makedonian "Koinon Makedonon alphabet", which the Makedonians used 100 years before the Adzeo/Danais, the base of them is the Nubians of Nubia - Africa.

    [DZE M]AS   KA  I   DIONISOFON    TO   STO  TELO  SKA   I   TO   NGA  MONKATA GRAFOKA   ITA   NA   LLAANPA   SA  NGY - the alphabet of the Blossom (in so-called Latin alphabet)

 -  [?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? EΜ]ΑΣ (Dze, Ma, Dze not ''Zeus'' is the god of the Sun, thunder - lightning, Ma is the goddess Great Mother) ΚΑ  Ι  ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΦΩΝ (I how and Dionosifon), ΤΟ Σ ΤΟ  ΤΕΛΟ  ΣΚΑ (this body want) I   TO   NGA (and that is him) ΜΟΝΚΑΤΑ  ΓΡΑΦΩΚΑ (Monkata Grafoka, so that's the name of the girl), ΙΤΑ   ΝΑ  ΛΛΑAΝΑ (go - is rushing) NA LLAAMPA (to shimmering -  to burn) ΣΑ  ΝΓΥ (with him).
The 1.  line: ''Dze, Ma, I and Dionosifon, this body want and that is him Monkata Grafoka, go to burn with him''.

  1.    [?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? EΜ]ΑΣ   ΚΑ  Ι  ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΦΩΝ ΤΟ Σ ΤΟ  ΤΕΛΟ  ΣΚΑ  Ι  ΤΟ  ΝΓΑ   ΜΟΝΚΑΤΑ  ΓΡΑΦΩΚΑ  ΙΤΑ   ΝΑ  ΛΛΑAΝΑ  ΣΑ  ΝΓΥ:

1. '' For weddings of Tetima and  Donisofontis i bring forth a magic for everyone else '' - today's Greek translation of the  version, Absolutely not correct, they don't understand the language

The name of the "greeks" was given by the Romans, to the members of the Achean League.



The name of Aegean Sea come from ancient MAKEDONIAN capital Aga (Aegea).
The ancient name of Balcanic Penisola it's Makedonian Penisola


146. Homer has taught all other poets the art of telling lies skillfully.
147. It is Homer who has chiefly taught other poets the art of telling lies skillfully. - Aristotle

The book of Homer cannot be taken as truthful to interpret the history, this or even Aristotle confirms.


Coin fron the land Ilion and he capital ILI  (Troy ) - unfortunately the coin is not from that period but much more recent


      - Iliad and the Odyssey  -  the Homer book 

       - ILI - ancient god of SUN,.. Makedonians have the sun like simbol 

       - ADa - yada (Makedonian) - eat  - i will eat - war

        - ODYS - ODISH (makedon ,... and today 100% Makedonian word ) - GO (english)  

        - SEY - ancient Makedonian word - sea (english) 

  ODYSSEY in makedon CAN be interpreted and like STORY or AVENTURA story for the land ILI god of the sun - ILIAD and the ODYSSEY.


The  name of  the land is ILION from hire ILI - ada (land of  ILI god of the sun) and Odyssey,... AND ILI (Troy)  IT'S THE CAPITAL OF THISE STATE the title of the book, the words who is clearly NOT Greeks and Greeks did not exist at that time,.. thise words say clearly that for the manipulation. there are more of 3000 Makedonians words in thise book WHO its and today MODERN Makedonians words ... thise book it contains 40 000 words ancients Makedonians words,.. The ''ancient greeks'' (ancient greeks dont exsist) WHERE are NOT MARKED to any place of thise book like hellens AND for much time the Adzaians CAN NOT to translation thise words,..... thise book is manipulated ,.. exactly for ORDER to Pisistratus - ''Πεισίστρατος'' after 403 BC year when Adzena took the alphabet from the Makedonia (koine alfabet) the Adzena (Danai's) - tiran - governor give ORDER TO translat thise book and to BE ADAPTED for the Adzaians (Danai's) costums,... Homer IS PHENICIAN and is NOT Adzeaian (Danai). Homer never live in Adzena.

Homer been born near the Meleto river - Phoenicia in the Dzenika (Asia Minor).

The date of Homer's existence was controversial in antiquity and is no less so today. Arodotos said that Homer lived 400 years before his own time, which would place him at around 850 BC but other ancient sources gave dates much closer to the supposed time of the Ilon war (Troian War). The date of the Ilon war was given as 1194 - 1184 BC by Eratosthenes, who strove to establish a scientific chronology of events and this date is gaining support because of recent archaeological research.

According to Arodot's (Herodot's the Xenian historian)  the date of the birth of Homer would oscillate between the 1194 BC and 1184 B.C, that is it would have lived little after the war of Ilon,.. in other Homer biographies it turns out instead been born in posterior, age towards l' 8 century B.C. one says that the true name of Homer would have been Melesigene - been born near the Meleto river - Phoenicia, Dzenika (Asia Minor)


      The Amphictoniada it's military-religious alliance its purpose was to defend itself from Persia.

The Adzaians (Danai's),  were helping Xenians (not Ionians) from Dzenika (Asia Minor), 499 – 493 BC in the unsuccessful uprising against the Persians. For revenge in 480–479 BC Persians and their vassals, under the guidance of Kashayrsha from Persia (not Xerxes) Persian ruler, made invasion to Adzena (Danai's) and burning it, leaving some of the army's 90,000 soldiers in Voioa (Boeotia) to spend winter and  the next summer to made invasion to occupy it permanently Adzena.

Parts from Makedonia all the way to Voioa (Boeotia) were occupied and now they as vassals of the the Persians take part in that war ilke the vassals.

   Makedonian vassal who worked as a mercenary for the Persians, from the time of the Karosh from Persia (not Cyrus) Persian ruler

From gratitude to Vasileos Alexander the First, the Makedonian vasileos (ruler)  who fought as a vassal on the side of Persia, and gave them military information, (meaning he was a spy) to the United City States - the Amphitheonia and United City States of the Ilioti - the Arcadian League, not assimilated Pelasgians from Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), Vasileos Alexander the First was later ally to the military-religious alliance the Amphictonia, but he was not a "Danai", nor a cousins of the Danai's. Vasileos Alexander the First, and was recognized the descendants of Arakleon (Hercules). 

     We need to mention that Vasileos Alexander the First, with his soldiers participated as a vassal and struggled on the side of the Persians, in that war, he assisted the United City States - the Amphictonia and United City States of the Ilioti - the Arcadian League, not assimilated Pelasgians from Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), in the fight against the Persians, with military informations, to convince him, for military interests reasons, because the Persians could still attack, the military - religious alliance Amphictonia, Vasileos Alexander the First, the Makedonian vasileos, was ally into their military religious alliance, absolutely NOT because he was a cousins of the "Danai", nor a cousins of the Danai's, but of military interests, so he was recognized that he was a descendant of Arakleon (Hercules) And his Argos ancestry.

The Amphioctioniktic League is a religious alliance in which Makedonia was admitted only in 346 BC. means not in the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexander the First.

In the final battle with the Persians under the leadership of Persian warlord Mardonias in Voioa (Boeotia) 479 BC, where the Persians to spend winter, in the army of the United City States - the Amphictonia and United City States of the Ilioti - the Arcadian League, not assimilated Pelasgians from Peloponnese, there were 35,000 solders ''iloti'', of the total number of 70,000 solders (copliti) in the army of the United Cities states, the Amphictonia and the Arcadian League.

Alexander was the son of the Makedonian vasileos Amyntas First and Makedonian Vasilissas (Queen) Eurydice. He had a sister named Gygaea.

He gave his sister for marriage to the Persian general Bubares, in the late 6th century BC who was in Makedon at the time, in order to stop him from searching for Persian soldiers who had been killed by Alexander's men following his commands. 

Alexander FIRST came to the throne during the era of the Makedonian kingdom's vassalage at the hand of Achaemenid of Persia, dating back to the time of his father, Amynta FIRST, although Makedon retained a broad scope of autonomy. In 492 BC it was made to a fully subordinate part of the Persian Kingdom by Mardonias' campaign. At that time, Alexander was on the nominal Makedonian throne. Alexander further acted as a representative of the Persian warlord Mardonias during peace negotiations after the Persian defeat at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. 

In later events, Arodotos (Herodotus) several times mentions Alexander FIRST of Makedon as a man who is on Kashayrsha (Xerxes') side and follows the assigned tasks.

Aristides, commander of the Adzeaians (Danai's), informed by Alexander FIRST of Makedon that delaying the encounter with the Persians would help further diminish their already low supplies. Battle of Plataea, 479 BC.
From the time of Mardonius' conquest of Makedon, Alexander FIRST is referred to as hyparchos by Arodotos, meaning subordinate governor. Despite his cooperation with Persia, Vasileos Alexander the First, frequently gave supplies and advice to the United City States, and warned them of Mardonius' plans before the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC. For example, Alexander Vasileos Alexander the First, warned the United City States in Tempe to leave before the arrival of Kashayrshas' troops, as well as notified them of an alternate route into Dzetsalia (Thessaly) through upper Makedonia. After their defeat in Plataea, the Persian army under the command of Artabazus tried to retreat all the way back to Dzenika (Asia Minor). Most of the 43,000 survivors were attacked and killed by the forces of Makedoniann ruler Vasileos Alexander the First at the estuary of the Strymon river. Alexander eventually regained Makedonian independence after the end of the Persian Wars.

     We need to mention that Vasileos Alexander the First, with his soldiers participated as a vassal and struggled on the side of the Persians, in that war, he assisted the United City States - the Amphictonia and United City States of the Ilioti - the Arcadian League, not assimilated Pelasgians from Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), in the fight against the Persians, with military informations, to convince him, for military interests reasons, because the Persians could still attack, the military - religious alliance Amphictonia, Vasileos Alexander the First, the Makedonian vasileos, was ally into their military religious organization, absolutely NOT because he was a cousins of the "Danai", nor a cousins of the Danai's, but of military interests, so he was recognized that he was a descendant of Arakleon (Hercules).

The Amphictonia were military-religious alliance, their main goal was to assimilate and subjugate, its purpose was to defend itself from Persia.

It should be clearly known that the Makedonians, Phochians and Voioa (Boeotians) were not "Danai's", they were first vassals of Persia, they burned Adzena (Danai's) together with Persia, then after rejecting of the Persian occupation, they became members of the Amphictonia.

In honor of the victory over Persia, Makedonian king Alexander FIRST organize the Olympic Games to the north side from the Makedonian Holy Mountain OLIMP. At those Olympics Alexander I invites all nations who took part in the fight against Persia. WITH THAT THESE GAMES HAVE BEEN Were FIRST INTERNATIONAL GAMES Organized by the Makedonians

Battle of Plataea


  Ka sha Yr sha (not Xerxes FIRST)  wanted to destroy the Danai city of Adzena in Peninsula of Adzenika (Attica), and the reason was that they helped the -Ionic uprising against Persia for 10 years in Ionia. And his father gave an order to his slave to remember him every day, that he must undertake a revenge on Adzena ( Danai's).

The Battle of Plataea was the final land battle during the second Persian invasion of Adzenika. It took place in 479 BC near the city of Plataea in Boeotia, and was fought between an alliance of the the United City States - the Amphictonia (including Sparta, Adzena, Corinth and Megara), in the final battle with the Persians under the leadership of Persian General Mardonius in Boeotia 479 BC, where the Persians to spend winter, in the army of the United City States the Amphictonia and United City States of the Ilioti - the Arcadian League, not assimilated Pelasgians from Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), there were 35,000 solders ''iloti'', of the total number of 70,000 solders (copliti) in the army of the United Cities States of Peninsula of the Dze and the Persian State of Kashayrsha from Persia (not Xerxes) Persian ruler, allied with Voioans (Boeotians), Dzetsalians (Thessalian)s, Karia, a neighboring city-state of Adzena and Makedonians

The previous year the Persian invasion force, led by the Persian king in person, had scored victories at the battles of Dzrmopole (Thermopylae) and Artemisium and conquered Dzetsalia (Thessaly), Phocis, Voioa (Boeotia), Eyvoia (Euboea) and Adzenika (Attica). However, at the ensuing Battle of Salamis, the Allied United city states navy had won an unlikely but decisive victory, preventing the conquest of the Peninsula of the Dze. Kashayrsha then retreated with much of his army, leaving his warlord Mardonias to finish off the Adzaians (Danai's) the following year. 

In the summer of 479 BC the United City States assembled a huge (by ancient standards) army and marched out of the Peninsula of the Dze. The Persians retreated to Voioa and built a fortified camp near Plataea. The United City States, however, refused to be drawn into the prime cavalry terrain around the Persian camp, resulting in a stalemate that lasted 11 days. While attempting a retreat after their supply lines were disrupted, the United City States battle line fragmented. Thinking the United City States in full retreat, Mardonias ordered his forces to pursue them, but the United City States (particularly the Spartans, Tegeans and Adzaians) halted and gave battle, routing the lightly armed Persian infantry and killing Mardonias. 

A large portion of the Persian army was trapped in its camp and slaughtered. The destruction of this army, and the remnants of the Persian navy allegedly on the same day at the Battle of Mycale, decisively ended the invasion. After Plataea and Mycale the United City States allies would take the offensive against the Persians, marking a new phase of the United City States-Persian Wars. Although Plataea was in every sense a resounding victory, it does not seem to have been attributed the same significance (even at the time) as, for example, the Adzeaian victory at the Battle of Ma-ra-dze-on (not Marathon) or the Spartan defeat at Dermopole (not Thermopylae). 

     SO THE  United City States under the crossing of Dermopole (Thermopylae) in Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), they was not ALL assimilated Pelasgians Cities States from Peninsula of the Dze. ILOTI WAS NOT assimilated Pelasgians from Peninsula of the Dze.

Voioa (Boeotia) and the Voians (Boeotians), with the City states of Dzeva (Thebes) (The Sacred Band of Dzeva), were assimilated by the Phoenicians, NOT BY the Danai's who the base is the Nubians of Nubia.

The founder of Dzeva (Thebes) is the Phoenician, Cadmus, who came with a large army to Voia, a former Pelasgian (populated by whites) province, in search of his sister Europe. Diodorus (110 III p. 305).

Pausanias; (9.5.2) 
''When the phoenician army under CADMUS invaded the land these tribes were defeated; the Hyantes fled from the land .... when night came, but the Aon (of Dzena) begged for mercy''. 

   The remains of the palace of Cadmus in Dzeva (Thebes) date from about 1400 - 1200 BC, according to the archaeologists. 

Cadmus, in search of his abducted sister Dzeia (Europa), settled in Voioa (Boeotia), which some say he invaded with a Phoenician army, founding in this new land the city of Cadmea, later called Dzeva (Thebes). Cadmus is credited for having combined consonants with vowels, thus teaching the secrets of correct speech. 

The Adzeaians (Danai's), which even in 403 BC. during the reign of the tyrant Euclid (Papastavrou, 1972, 61) in Adzena (Danai's) "introduced" the alphabet "KOINON MKEDONON", 100 years after the Makedonia.



Dzevan (Theban) coins

        Herodotus, an ancient Ionian historian, (if it is true, the writing must be read like this) writes that earlier the whole of Adzenika (Attica) was inhabited by Pelasgians - WHITE - the WHITE, but with the arrival of the Danai's in Adzenika, the Pelasgians were assimilated into that part of the the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), but there were still living Pelasgians. (Herodotus I, 57-58).

DZENA is the real ancient name of the city of Adzena, not "Athens", the inscription "Athena" appeared with the arrival of the Romans in the Peloponnese, when Danai's conquered the city of Dzena they renamed the city in Adzena.

- Herodotus (if it is true, the writing must be read like this):
''Adzena (the Danai's city) is old Pelazgian city''.

''The defensive walls of (DZENA is the real ancient name of the city not "Adzena", the inscription "Athena" appeared with the arrival of the Romans in the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese).) Adzena were built by the Pelasgians''. - (Herodotus  I). When conquered Danai's city of Dzena, has changed its name to Adzena.

It is believed that the Danai's of Nubia occupied the city of Dzena, which was inhabited by Pelasgians, from 1200 to 800 BC.

After the Doric invasion of the North, on Mycenae and the the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) from the time of 1600 - 1200 BC, there is a so-called by modern historians: "dark Greek time" - nothing has been known for 300 or more years.


Olympics  GAMES  Makedonians  GAMES

     In honor of the victory over Persia, Makedonian vasileos (king) Alexandroy FIRST organize the Olympic Games to the north side from the Holy Mountain OLIMP. At those Olympics Makedonian ruler vasileos Alexandroy FIRST (king Alexander FIRST) invites all nations who took part in the fight against Persia . WITH THAT THESE GAMES HAVE BEEN Were FIRST INTERNATIONAL GAMES Organized by the Makedonians.  


Makedonian vasileos Alexandroy FIRST (king Alexander the FIRST), organizer of the first Olympic Games 

      So Organizer IT'S vaslieos ALEXANDROY FIRST ruler of Makedonia  and it is held to THE Holy Mountain Olimp in Makedonian territory ,.. truly in the north part of the Holy Mountain  Olimp,... Mountain who  with It borders and with Dzetsalia (Tessalia), nations who it's not  hellens and it's not  city states  buth kingdoms with king. 

       From hire that  it's IMMORAL LIE   that the Olympic Games it's greek  it's not truth and not logical    because in this time the greeks DON'T EXIST.  Greece or Hellas for  the first time in history is Get into 1829 with the assistance and protection of France, Russia and the United Kingdom under King OTTO  from Vitelsbah the Prince of Bavaria born in Salzburg, June 1, 1815 and died in Bamberg July 26, 1867 FOR THAT THE THEORY OF THE GREEK OLYMPIC GAMES   it's IMMORAL LIE    it's not truth , not logical AND INVENT .  


       While makedonian vasileos Arxelaoy FIRST (king  Аrхеlai the FIRST)  continued the tradition who started his grandfather Makedonian vasileos Alexander FIRST  and  introduced the holiday  Оlipmpia, who it's   religious holiday with athletic competitions  in honor of the victory over the Persians, DZE - ILE - the God of the Sun  and muses in the Temple of ILE. Most great athletes and cultural workers  were collected in one place for the event to the north part of the Holy Mountain  Olimp. With the participation  to the more nations thise  sporting event he had an international character.

Makedonian vasileos Arxelaoy FIRST (king  Аrхеlai FIRST of Makedonia )  -  a man of culture 


After the fall of the Makedonian Monarchy the Olympic Games were banned by the Romans : ''because to maintain law and order''.

    Olympic Games in 1896  were re-restored ,  BUT NOW WITH LIE ....That the ancient Olympic Games BEEN ''GREEK'',.. How is it possible ? the greeks and greek state DON'T EXIST  in thise time,.... the Olympic Games  Had been maintained on Makedonian territory  Аnd  organizer BEEN Makedonian rulers.

     Makedonians, officially for the needs of the Makedonian court in 498 BC they use the alphabet '' koine'' introduced by Alexander the First, meaning at least 100 years before the Adzeaians (Danai's), which even in 403 BC. during the reign of the tyrant Euclid (Papastavrou, 1972, 61) in Adzena (Danai's) "introduced" the alphabet "KOINE".


The Amphictonia were military-religious alliance, their main goal was to assimilate and subjugate, its purpose was to defend itself from Persia.

It should be clearly known that the Makedonians, Phochians and Voioians (Boeotians) were not "Danai's", they were first vassals of Persia, they burned Aadzena together with Persia, then after rejecting of the Persian occupation, they became members of the Amphictonia.

Amphictonia - Amphi cto nia (Assembly how us) - is a military religious alliance for defending of Persia, was a substitute for the The League of Dze (Corinthian League), which is a wider military alliance, but for to attack on Persia, organized by the Makedonian ruler, vasileos Philippoy Makedonon, who was elected lifelong leader of the union, and his successors were to lead the The League of Dze. Another important thing was, was that the war between the members of the The League of Dze alliance was forbidden, unlike the Amphictonia, in which the members fought between them.

Amphictonia - Amphi cto nia, was military religious alliance for defending of Persia and strong nations took part in it, in order to defend themselves from Persia, while they did not receive the weaker ones, but on the contrary sought to subdue them. It contained: Adzena (Danai's) city state, Sparta - city state (the Spartans were probably the white - Pelasgians), Phoenicians - Dzeva (Thebes) city state, Makedonia a unitary monarchy, Phocia - the white - Pelasgians, on their territory was the holy city of Delphi with the spiritual-religious leader - '' oracle - o'rakle''. They practiced the ancient faith with the 12 gods led by the God of Light - DZE, for some DZE, for Adzeians (Danai's) was Adze , Xe, etc.

272. "People create gods in their own image, not only in terms of their form but also in their way of life," said. Аristotele.

So every nation made gods like it, for example, Makedonian goddess Dzena (t'Atina - dad daughter), which was a universal goddess in antiquity.

?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??????????

DZENA from Arakleon (Bitola) - Republic of Macedonia

DZENA is the real ancient name of the city not "Athens", the inscription "Athena" appeared with the arrival of the Romans in the Peloponnese.

While the Adzeians ( Danai's) the base is the Nubians of Nubia, made they own ''Danai's god of light ADZE'':

Danai Athens

Danai's god of light ADZE

At peace with Persia, the members of the Amphictonia fought among themselves, as is the case between Adzena and Sparta and Sparta against Dzeva (Thebes), in order to become dominators over the union. Sparta even managed to conquest Adzena (Danai's) and try to administer it, but it failed, the Spartans were not suitable for "administrator''. The Spartans put 12 tyrants (the tyrant was the Adzenian (Danai's) president elected by the Adzenian people) to the government in Adzena (Danai's), but the 12 tyrants were so bad with the people that the people rebelled and drove them out, hence the word "tyrant" became the epitome of malice. That is why today they are stealing our Makedonian word ''vasileos - your light'' today the Greeks. Ruler - ''avachto'' is for the Spartans, ''the tyrant'' for Adzena (Danai's). Today there are no more '' Danai '' and '' spartans'', and the ''greeks'' are not ancient,but a creation of Otto of Bavaria.

On the 54nd line from the Rosetta Stone we find the words: ''HORIO IS KAI ELA A NIKO IS GRAMMA SIN'' - VILLAGE IS FROM COME FOR VICTORY IS LETTER OF SIGN'' - ''The place where they come from to win is a written sign''. From here the Greeks "draw" their identity, from a lie, there is no "ellas" in antiquity.

After the new discoveries before the arrival of the Romans in the Dze Peninsula (the Peloponnese), there were none ''athenians'', not only ''greeks'', ''hellens'' or ''ellas'' and so on, but there was: ''ADZI'', ''ADZAI'' or ''ADZAEOS'' - so called today ''Danai's''.

The inscription on the danai's coins - ''АDZE'' , could mean and: ''А DZE'' - ''gift for DZE'', means the letter ''А'' separately from ''DZE'', - ''DZE ON'', or only ''DZE'', there is for sure, the name of the ''god of light'' to the adzao-danai's (athenians - danai's) was named as ''АDZE''.

So the Makedonians and others before the Romans came to Peloponnese, were in contact with: ''ADZAI'', - ''ADZAAOS'', not with: ''athenians'', and the name of the city-state, was: ''ADZA'', ''ADZEA'' or - ''ADZENA'', the peninsula (Attica) was named as: ''ADZEIKA'' or ''ADZENIKA'', forgers of historical counterfeiters facts are caught and warned that the whole forgery of counterfeit history has been discovered.

The Makedonians in their inscriptions named the city of as: "DZANA", (the place of the city where today's Athens is located) the inhabitants of the city as: "DZAIANS", and the Peninsula was named as: "DZENIKA", are probably those ancient names, until the city "DZANA" did not fall under "Danai's rule and assimilation" and they added the letter "A"to the name of the god of light Dze, from here: ADZE. Danai's originated is Nubia - Upper Egypt - Africa.

The Makedonians knew about the continent "Europe", which they named as: Dzeia, "Middle Asia" they named as: - Dzeika, while the continent "Asia" was named as: Adzeia, not much different from today's name. The ancient name of the continent "Asia" needs to be further determined.

The letter: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''DZE'', was dedicated to the god of the light DZE. Now the name of the city or the akropole (acropolis) is in the focus, whether it was dedicated to the Danai's god of the light - ADZE or his daughter ADZENA. In ancient inscriptions the god of the light DZE, is named as: - DZEON, - DZEOY, ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? E - DZE, - DZEON or DZON, SE, DE, - ZO ILOY, for the Adzeo-Danai's: - ''ADZE'', but never as a "zeus", so in this way you can recognize the forgeries.

There is no such inscription on the Akropole - ''acropolis'' in present-day in Athens: , this inscription comes from a "decree" that they are hiding and may be a forgery: , also this inscription on this plate - ADZANA = - ATHANA = ATINA (Athens). There is no ancient statue of "Athens" in the Akropole - ''acropolis'', some "records" from Rome claim (perhaps the inscription is a forgery) that the statue of Athens was taken to Kostantinopole (Constantinople), but because it brought misfortune to the city, they threw it into the sea.

- ''ADZENA'', if we interpret the noun: ADZENA - ADZE NA:

- ADZE - Аdze

- NA - to,

we conclude that the name of the city was named as the sity ''to Аdze''.

We from Makedonia is ALL, we will name them as: ''Adzai'' or ''АDZAOS'' - Аdzaos - Adzao-Danai's (athenians - danai's) or ''АDZEA'' - Adzea (the Danai's - Athens), Adzena (the Danai's - Athens) , ''the Adzao - Danai's'' (the Athenians - Danai's), Adzeika (Attika), Adzenika (Attika). After the arrival of the Romans in the Dze Peninsula (the Peloponnese), you can use Athens, but at least after 100 BC.

This means that in the time of vasileos MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY there were none ,,Athenians'', ''hellens'' or ''hellas'', ''ellens'' or ''ellas'', ''greeks'' or ''greece'', if you find such a name, know that it is a forgery of counterfeit history.

I will give you an example like the city Adzena, (the Danai's read it in Roman time ''Adzina'', the letter ''H'' - еtа, they read it as ''I'' - Italy) and changed the name to - ''ADZENA'', the inscription I am showing you, it is speculated that it was from 378-376 BC, in my opinion this inscription is a forgery or from a much later period, but it does not matter: ADZAN I ON (he ) OY , значи: - ADZANA = - ATHANA = ATINA (Athens), the church from the city of Kostantinopole (Constantinople) modified the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON" for its own needs and removed it from the alphabet, the letter: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''DZ'', and left her: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''TH'', to abolish the god of light - ''DZE''.

From the earliest times with the arrival of the Romans in Makedonia and beyond, they replaced the letter: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''DZ'', with: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''TH'', to abolish the god of light - ''DZE'''. The letter: ?????? ?? ??????? ''???? ? ?????'', ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ''??????? ?? ??????'',.. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? - ''TH'' is the Roman ''product''.

The Makedonian ruler, vasileos Philippoy Makedonon served for the ''oracle of Delfi-Phocia'' and fought for religious purposes 3 times, led the Holy Wars three times, such as the Crusades ''. Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon took advantage of the rivalry between the members of the Amphictonia who were at war with each other and managed to bring everyone under military control except Sparta, which refused to be a member of The League of Dze (the Corinthian League).

While Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy dissolved The League of Dze ( the "Corinthian League") and the soldiers of that alliance were fired, but they were allowed to remain as mercenaries, because he was very disappointed with the attitude ofDanai Athens, why they constantly revolted against Makedonia when he was on a campaign against Persia.


THIS IS HOW THEY WERE FROM the military-religious alliance Amphictonia

      An inscription mentioned by Didim reveals that at the end of the 345th BC inhabitants of Metsaion and Megalopoliton who was native NOT ASSYMED Pelasgians from Peloponnese by the Danai's,  they asked to be admitted to the Amphictonia, such a development would reduce their importance,  they collided with rejection, Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon (king Philip of Makedonia) was sympathetic to such a transformation that would have enabled him to exercise the upper hand over the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), starting with Delphi.

The Arcadian League

As the Spartans renewed the attacks against their neighbors, Metsanion and Megalopoliton, in the spring of 344, Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon sent messengers to Mesena's to helpers, and it was rumored that he himself was preparing to come to take a campaign against Sparta.

Demosthenes succeeds to be sent by the people as an parliamentarian to the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), and warns the inhabitants of Argos and Metsanion against the Makedonian Union; because of their trust in Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon, the inhabitants of Ollindze experienced the city was destroyed and the dzetsalians (Thessalians) lost their freedom:

 „ The only protection of the democracies against the tyrants is distrust".

Demosthenes does not manage to remove the residents of Metsanion, Argos and Megalopoliton from the Makedonian Union, but his actions cause a written objection from Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon, who is amazed by the hostile behavior of his Adzaians (Athenians - Danai) "allies." While the Adzaians agree on the answer they need to give this letter from Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon.

Vasileos Phillippoy Makedonon (Philip of Makedonia)  and his son Vasileon (master of the masters) ALEXANDROY MAKEDONON, have  enslaved the cousins of the Ionians of the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) and the Ionians of Asia Minor and sold them as slaves.








THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF vasileos PHILIPPOY MAKEDONON - THE MAKEDONIAN (King Philip of Makedonia) from the ancient Makedonian capital EGE ( Aegea )


АGА, not Aegea

The Makedonian tribe who Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy who he had unified, it's:

(From Aga),

(From Almopija)

(From Bellas),

(From Ber),

(From Belagon),

(From Ilimaia),

(From Link),

(From Orest),

(From Payonia),

(From the Peninsula Halkideon),

(From Molosi - Achilea),

(From Karia - Dzeika, ''ka and Dze'' so-called Asia Minor), therefore the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon planned a campaign on Bersia (Persia) to liberate them, the Phrygians from Phrygia can also be considered, the former worries. In Dzeika or Dzenika there were other colonies of Makedonians, Makedonian colonies colonized earlier),

(From Thrace),

(From Tribalion),

(From Iliria, it was a military union, not a state) and

(From Dardania, for this purpose they were removed from the Illyrian military alliance by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon).


Their common feature is that they worshiped the Goddess Great Mother - MA.

 BEFORE THE UNIFICATION THE MAKEDONIAN SUN WAS WITH EIGHT SOLAR RAYS, joined symbolically by rays around (Dze) the ruler:

(From Aga),

(From Almopija)

(From Bellas),

(From Ber),

(From Belagon),

(From Ilimaia),

(From Link),

(From Orest).

Filippoy Makedonon



Great historical injustice especially for the Makedonians this symbol is to appoint them as '\\\'kutlesh\\\'\ or \\'vergina\\''.
The place where this symbol is found is the ancient Makedonian city Aga (Ege), which had been long time was Makedonian capital.
When came the Ottomans (Turks) site of Aga was renamed in '\\'kutlesh\\' - meaning pot, and in 1925 the Greeks renamed site of Aga in '\\'Vergina'\\', Greeks who in 1977 ​​ desecrated the remains of the famous Makedonian ruler and father of Makedonian nation Philippoy Makedonon.

The second version "kutlesh" - kut lesh - the corpse that limps, namely because Makedonian vasileos Philippoy Makedonon suffered many wounds including one wound on the knee that caused him to that limps, his comrades called him "kutlesh" - the corpse that bends, so reproach.

So now you decide how you will call this symbol of the Makedonian nation not other than: THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF PHILIPOY MAKEDONON.



The holy places of the Makedonians  

Makedonia before governed by vasileos Makedonon Philippoy


Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 339 B.C

Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 339 B.C

Expansion of  Makedonia in the time of vasileos Philippoy Makedonon ( king Philip of Makedonia ) 

...''Alexandroy Makedonon is Makedon,
Makedon is Alexandroy Makedonon.
Hei to know: Alexandroy Makedonon glory Vasileon (king of kings) Makedon, we Makedonians don't give.
oy, oy, oy, we don't care for your number,
oy, oy, oy, in the battle we are stronger.
EI, Alexandroy, OY, OY!
EI, Makedonon, ON, ON!
Alexandroy Makedonon glory Vasileon Makedon, us lead. ''

[1] "[ Our enemies , men who for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; we of Makedonia for generations past have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Above all, we are free men, and they are slaves ]." - the Makedonian cavalry companions - (hetairoi - according historian Diodor) CHETAIROI (makedonian)   - CHETA - IROI - Battalion heroes.


  Battle of Aronea

The Battle of The Battle of Aroneia - the land of Aaron the first creator of the land "D" is the second according to the Makedonian calendar, not ''Chaeronea'' (338 BC) took place near Aroneia, in Voia

Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon ( king Philip SECOND of Makedonia), joined Alexandroy Makedonon (son to king Phhilip SECOND of Makedonia, princ Alexander of Makedonia ) with his army in 338 BC and they marched down through Dzermopylae, which they took with a struggle from its Dzevan (Theban) garrison and went on to occupy the city of Elatia, a few days march from both Aadzena and Dzeva (Thebes). Meanwhile, the Adzenians led by Demosthenes voted for an alliance with Dzeva in opposition to Makedonia. Both Athens and Makedonian sent embassies to Dzeva in order to win Dzevas' favour with Adzena eventually gaining the alliance.

Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon carried out the mission appointed to him by the Sacred League and marched on Amphissa, captured the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes and accepted the city's surrender. Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon retreated back to Elatea and sent a final offer of peace to Adzena and Dzeva which was rejected.

Battle plan of the Battle of Aronea the Makedonian army of 30,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry met the united Dzevan and Adzenan army of 30,000 men at Aronea in Voioa (Boeotia). Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon commanded the Makedonian right and he gave to he son Alexandroy command of the elite, Companion Cavalry - Cheta Iroi - battalion heroes, on the left flank to counter the elite Dzevan Sacred Band on the left flank, while Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon faced the Athenians lead by the inexperienced Demosthenes.

Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon managed to draw the Adzenan left flank out of its defense position on a slope by feigning retreat. This also drew the Aazdenan centre from their position and they advanced to attack Philip. Alexander exploited this opportunity and charged the gap between the Dzevas and the Adzevan centre. Following some strong resistance, Alexanddroy managed to route the Dzevan and slaughter the Sacred Band to the last man before attacking the Adzenan centre. Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon's men broke the Adzeian right and they attacked Aadzenan centre at the same time as princ Alexandroy making it break a flee.

Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon sold the captured Dzevan soldiers as slaves before establishing a garrison in Dzevas and executing or banishing some of the city's anti-Makedonian leaders. From Dzevas, he went to Adzenas were he gave them their captured soldiers back without a ransom. 

Assassination of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy



Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 336 B.C. and territories under the protection of Makedonia -The League od Dze

Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 336 B.C. and territories under the protection of Makedonia - The League od Dze

' Aegean Sea to become the Makedonian Sea, which borders the Makedonian territories to the east and west, north and south '', - the idea of the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy


ФИЛИП МАКЕДОНСКИ - Makedonia 336 BC, north to the Danube, northwest to Dalmatia. Dalmatia stands for Dal Mat i A- and I'm at Ma, so it's a bit harder to determine the North West border. The Illyrians, Dardanians, Tribals and Thracians recognized Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy as their ruler.   

ФИЛИП МАКЕДОНСКИ   -  The League od Dze - territories under the protection of Makedonia. Argos, Megalopolis and Messena previously formed the "Arcadian League", an alliance for defense against Sparta, that's what that alliance was for.

ФИЛИП МАКЕДОНСКИ - Delfi or Delphi, DE L'FI, from where faith is spoken and preached, Philip of Makedonia separated Delphi from Phocia, so the city became a kind of "Holy Mountain" or the Vatican today, the Macedonian ruler led 2 holy wars in the name of Anfictoniada - the Holy An alliance based in Delphi, but Makedonia did not become a member of that alliance until after 346 BC. The Anfictoniada League is a religious alliance into which Makedonia was admitted only in 346 BC. And the other stronger members of the Holy Alliance in the past, including Vasileos Philip of Makedon, used that alliance to prevail over the others.

ФИЛИП МАКЕДОНСКИ- Sparta remained independent until 330 BC. when it was forced by Antipater to become a member of the League of Dze, until its abolition by Vasileon Makedonon Alexander of Makedon 329 BC . This data is hidden.


- AGA SEY - Aegean sea,

- MAKEDON SEY- Makedonia sea,

- PONT SEY- Black sea.


- The island of Dze, not ''thasos''.

- Kydon - Kay don not ''crete'', it is a "Roman-Etruscan" name, which signifies'' k'r Т'' - the land of T (Taras).


- Halkideon - the bracelets of Don, not ''Chalcidice'',

- The peninsula of Dze,

- Adzenika, not ''attica''.



Vasileos MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY - enthronement

           Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy  was born in BELLAS - светол,  illuminated,  BELLASTI - the illuminated), Makedonia on month said ''LOY'' in Makedonian  and that on the sixth day (July 20, 356 BC after the new reckoning of time), was the ruler of Makedonia from the Argeadi lineage and ruled from 336 BC. to 323 BC., Vasileon of Vasileondon Macedonia.He was one of the most successful military leaders in human history, liberator, unifier and lord of lords of the ancient world eternally glorious.

The name of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy - Aleksandar Makedonski is unique and there is no need for the addition as like "Third'' and negative political names should absolutely be avoided: "veliki", "the great", "magno", "magnus" etc.. which have the main goal of denying the Makedonian identity.

- Vasileos - you're light (king),

- Vasileon - you're the brightest, you're unique light of light (king of the kings).

Vasileos (king - you're light in Makedonian) after Vasileon (king of the kings), ''Makedonon'' - is the title inherited from his father the Makdonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, so this is not a surname but the title, and after his son there are others are not ''MAKEDONON - HE is Makedon'', it can be said that all others afterwards are usurpers of the Makedonian throne.

- Suppression of the  rebellions  to Dzeva  and DISTRUCTION to Dzeva (not  Tebes)

Believing the cityes states  Dzeva (Tebes) and Adzena would remain calm, Makedonian vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon returned to Makedonian, marched east into Thrace, and campaigned as far as the Danube river. He defeated the Thracians and Tribalians in series of battles and drove the rebels beyond the river. Then he marched back across Makedonia and on his return crushed in a single week the threatening Illyrians, before they could receive additional reinforcements. 

But now in Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese), upon rumors of his death, a major revolt broke out that engulfed the whole nation. Enraged, Alexander marched south covering 240 miles in two weeks appearing before the walls of Dzeva with large Makedonian army. He let the hellens know that it was not too late for them to change their minds, but the Dzevans confident in their position called Adzena  to join them against the Makedonians. They were not aware that the Aadzenans and the inhabitants of the Peninsula of the Dze, stunned by the speed of the Makedonian vasileos (king), quickly reconsidered their options and were now awaiting the outcome of the battle before they make their next move. 

Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon's general Perdiccas attacked the gates, broke into the city, and Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon moved with the rest of the army behind him to prevent the Dzevans from cutting him off. The Makedonians stormed the city, killing everyone in sight, women and children included. 6,000 Dzevans citizens died and 30,000 more were sold as slaves. The city where Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon's father was kept as hostage for three years, was plundered, sacked, burned, and razed to the ground. Only the temples and the house of the poet Pindar were spared from distraction. This was example to the Athens and the other rebels quickly rethought their quest for freedom. Peninsula of the Dze  remained under Makedonian rule.

 - The Battle of Granica  -  Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon - Military Campaign of Adzeia (Asia)

With the conquered territories firmly in Makedonian control, Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon completed the final preparations for the invasion of Asia. The 22 year-old king appointed Philip's experienced general Antipater as regent in his absence to preside over the affairs of Makedonia , left him a significant force of 13,500 Makedonian soldiers to watch the  city states, Thrace, Ilyria, and protect Makedonia, and set out for the Ileaspont (modern Dardanelles) in the spring of 334 BC. 

As his ship approached the Dzenika (Asia Minor's) coast, he threw his spear from abroad and stuck it in the ground. He stepped onto the shore, pulled the weapon from the soil, and declared that the whole of Asia would be won by the Makedonian spear. 

In the army there were 25,000 Makedonians, soldiers of The League of Dze (The League of Corinth): 6,600 Acaranians, Phochians, Qudzeans (Corintians),  Adzeaians (Danai's) - who been simply hostages  and 8,000 Thracians, Illyrians, but the chief officers were all Makedonians, and Makedonians also commanded the foreign troops. Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon's second in command was general Parmenio, the other important commanders being Perdicca, Crateroy, Coen, Meleager, Antigonoy, and Parmenio's son Philota. The army soon encountered the forces of The great ruler Darius 3-th. There were 40,000 Persians and Danai's (20,000 each) waiting for them at the crossing of the river Granica, near the ancient city of Ilion (Troy). These Danai's  had joined the Persians in the years following the defeat of the atinian  army by vasileos Filippoy Makedonon at Aroneia (Chaeronea). It is important to note the number of Danai's on the both sides. The atinians  in the Makedonian train were mobilized by the Makedonians, and historians Peter Green and Ulrich Wilcken speak of them as hostages that would ensure the good behavior of their countrymen left behind in ciy state Adzena  and Peninsula of Adzenika under the watch of Antipater's Makedonian garrisons. Not surprisingly, the allies from The League of Dze in Alexander's army played insignificant role in the upcoming battles, only to be discharged when convenient. But far greater number of the Adzeaians (Danai's)  joined the Persians brushing away the memory of the Persian invasion of At Sohina and Sparta an the other city states 150 years ago. 

The Makedonians defeated the Persians and put them to flight and although Danai's  held their ground and fiercely fought, the battle ended in Makedonian victory. Almost the entire Danai's  force was annihilated. 18,000  perished on the banks of Granica and the 2,000 survivors were sent to forced labor in Makedonia. The Makedonians lost only 120 men according to tradition.

  - The Battle of Issus 

In the autumn of 333 BC, the Makedonian army's encountered the Persian forces under the command of King Darius 3.th himself at a mountain pass at Issus in northwestern Syria. 30,000 Ionians from Middele Asia and  Adzeaians, again formed a sizable addition to the Darius' army as elite fighters and were positioned directly against the Makedonian phalanx. Describing the atmosphere before a battle, the Roman historian Curtius explained how Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon raised the morale of the Makedonians, Illyrians, Peonians, Thracians and the allies from League of Dze in his army, one at the time:

             "Riding to the front line he (Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon) named the soldiers and they responded from spot to spot where they were lined up. The Makedonians, who had won so many battles in Dza (Europe) and set off to invade Adzeia (Asia) ... got encouragement from him - he reminded them of their permanent values. They were the world's liberators and one day they would pass the frontiers set by Makedon (Arakleon-Hercules) and Father Liber. They would subdue all races on Earth. Bactria and India would become Makedonian provinces. Getting, he reminded them that those were the people (the Persians on the other side) who provoked war with Makedonia and  cities states, ... those were the people that burned their temples and cities ... As the Illyrians and Thracians lived mainly from plunder, he told them to look at the enemy line glittering in gold ..." (Q. Curtius Rufus 3.10.4-10) 

Darius's army greatly outnumbered the Makedonians, but the Battle of Issus ended in a big victory for Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon. Ten's of thousands of Persians, Danai's from Egypt including the strapon, and other Asiatic soldiers were killed and king Darius fled in panic before the Makedonian phalanx, abandoning his mother, wife, and children behind.  Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon treated them with the respect out of consideration for their royalty. 


      After the siege of Tyre (332 BC), Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon entrusted his fleet to Hephaestion, who had orders to skirt the coast and head for Gaza, their next objective, while Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon himself led the army overland. Hephaestion's task was not an easy one, for this was not the Athenian fleet with which Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon had started, and had earlier disbanded, but a motley collection of semi-reluctant allies of many nationalities, who would need holding together with patience and strength. Furthermore, on arrival at Gaza, the cargo of siege engines had to be unloaded, transported across difficult terrain, and reassembled.

Plutarch, while writing about Alexander's correspondence, reveals an occasion when Hephaestion was away on business, and Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon wrote to him. The subject matter suggests that this took place while they were in Egypt. What business Hephaestion was attending to we do not know, but Andrew Chugg has suggested that it was concerned either with his command of the fleet or Adzenaian (Danai's) diplomacy. He quotes sources which suggest that Hephaestion had been approached by Aristion of Adzena to effect a reconciliation between Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon and Demosthenes, and certainly, Adzenas' inaction during the revolt of the Spartan avahto (king), Agis 3-th, would seem to support the idea. As Chugg says, "If he did persuade Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon to reach an accommodation with Demosthenes at this critical juncture, as would seem likely from the circumstances, then he was significantly responsible for saving the situation for Makedonia in City States   by preventing the revolt of Agis spreading to Adzena and her allies.

   -The Battle of Gaugamela

At Tyre, Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon received reinforcements from Dza (Europe), reorganized his forces, and started for Vavilon (Babylon). He conquered the lands between rivers Tigris and Euphrates and found the Persian army at the plains of Gaugamela, near modern Irbil in Iraq, which according to the exaggerated accounts of antiquity was said to number a million men. The Makedonians spotted the lights from the Persian campfires and encouraged Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon to lead his attack under cover of darkness. But he refused to take advantage of the situation because he wanted to defeat Darius in an equally matched battle so that the Persian king would never again dare to raise an army against him. 

      The two armies met on the battlefield the next morning, October 1, 331 BC. On the Persian side were numerous Asiatic nations - Bactrians, Indians, Medians, Sogdians, even Albanians from the Caucasus, the ancestors of the modern Albanians who many centuries later migrated to Europe and are now northern neighbors to the modern Ionians  and western neighbors to the modern Makedonians. The survivors of the 50,000 Danai's which Dario had on his side at the beginning of the war were also among the Persian ranks. 

At the beginning of the battle the Persian forces split and separated the two Makedonians wings. The wing of general Parmenio appeared to be backing down, but Vasileos Alexandroy Makedoninan cavalry rode straight after Dario and forced again his flight like he did at Issus. Dario fled to Ecbatana in Media, and Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon occupied Babylon, the imperial capital Susa, and the Persian capital Persepolis, and was henceforth proclaimed king of kings - vasileon of Adzeia (Asia). Four months later, the Makedonians burned the royal palace in Persepolis, completing the end of the ancient Persian Empire.

Alexandroy Makedonon



History of Macedonia




After The Battle of Gaugamela, Vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon in city of Arbela it was proclaimed from Vasileos in VASILEON, (Gospodar na Gospodarite - Lord of Lords) ruler of Europa and Asia.

Alexandroy Makedonon



 - Suppression of the Adzeaian and Spartan  rebellion, Discharge of "The League of Dze", and the Death of Darius 3

Meanwhile in Adzena (Danai's), under the leadership of Sparta rose to a rebellion against the Makedonian occupation. Antipater was in Thrace at the time and the Azdzano - spartans took the opportunity to push back the Makedonian forces. But their initial victory did not last for long as Antipater returned with a large army, defeated the rebels, and regained Adzena and Sparta. 5,300 Adzeno-spartans , including the Spartan avahto (king) Agis 3 were killed, while the Makedonians lost 3,500 men. 

In Adzeia (Asia), the news of the beginning of the Adzao-spartans rebellion had Vasileon Alexandroy Makedonon so deeply worried, that he immediately sent money to Antipater to counter it. And when he learned that the Adzano-spartans, were defeated, Makedonian Vasileon ( king of kings) Alexandroy Makedonon dissolved The League of Dze,  discharged all soldiers of The League of Dze (the League of Corinth) forces in his army. He no longer needed these hostages and potential troublemakers.  
One important thing is that Antipatar has built the Spartans to become members of the League of Dze, before being carried out.




[4]  War against Makedonians

Coin from Aitoloy - Aitolon (Aetolia) - league of allies

 - Lamian War  

The “Lamian War”, also referred to as  the “War against Makedonians ”, was fought by the Adzeaians and their Aetolia - league of allies, Locrian, and Phocian allies against the Makedonians in Dzetsalia (Thesalia) during the winter of (323–322 BC). After some initial successes, the Adzaians and her allies besieged the town of Lamia, located on the southern slope of the Othrys Mountains on the Malic Gulf, where Antipater, regent of Makedonia and commander of the Makedonian forces in Deia (Europe), had taken refuge behind the substantial fortifications of the city. Unsuccessful in their siege, the rebel Adzaians were eventually defeated at the Battle of Crannon in Dzetsalia (Thesalia) in 322, bringing the uprising to an end. 

Following Vasileon Alexandroy Makedonon, death in 323 in Babylon, the Adzaians were moved to  be liberate  from Makedonian hegemony, whence the name “War against Makedonians ”. Shortly before Vasileon Alexandroy Makedonon expired he had ordered the return of all exiles hitherto banished from the cities states. For the most part this measure was popular, but was unwelcome in Adzena and Aitoloy - Aetolia League of allies for different reasons, and the death of Alexander was to be their opportunity for repealing this act. Swayed principally by Hypereides, a staunch anti-Makedonian rhetor and demagogue, the Adzanans went to war in the hopes of engendering a new, anti-Makedonian  League, and appointed Leosthenes general of the allied forces.


The total anti-Makedonian  force at the outset of the war appears to have been 25,000 strong and was comprised of up to 10,000 Adzaians, 12,000 Aitoloy League of allies and various contingents of mercenary forces.

Antipater, commander of the Makedonian forces in Dzeia (Europe), meanwhile scrambled to assemble Makedonian troops, most of which were engaged in Asia or in transit to or from that continent. He set out against the rebels with an initial force of some 13,000 troops, with messages sent to various commanders to bring reinforcements.

The Dzetsalians (Thessalians) originally sided with Antipater, but were quickly persuaded to join the Adzeaians as allies. This sudden shift in strength led to some early confederate successes against Antipater, and he was constrained to seek refuge in the fortified city of Lamia. The Adzaians and her allies, despite their early successes, were bogged down in their siege of Lamia. The well-walled town proved impregnable to the Adzeaians, and their commander Leosthenes was mortally wounded during a sallying forth from the city by the Makedonians who sought to harass their ditch-digging besiegers. His death prompted the Adzaians to retreat.

That year Hypereides pronounced the funeral oration over the dead including his friend Leosthenes. Antiphilus was appointed as his replacement. Soon after the Adzeaians retreat from the walls of Lamia, Makedonian reinforcements, 20,000 infantry and 1,500 calvarly, arrived from Adzeia under the command of Leonnat. The Adzaians naval fleet had been defeated at the battle of Amorgos and had not succeeded in preventing these reinforcements’ succoring Antipater.

The Adzaians and allied forces were finally defeated in 322 at the Battle of Crannon in central Dzetsalia (Thessaly) after Antipater had managed to join with Leonnatus and Craterus. Together they beat back the weary Adzeaians in a long series of cavalry and hoplite engagements. While the allied forces were not routed, the outcome was decisive enough to compel the Adzaians and her allies to sue for peace on Antipater’s terms.

    Antipater made peace treaties with the rebellious cities separately and on generous terms. The Adzaians were made to dissolve their government and establish a plutocratic system in its stead, whereby only those possessing 2,000 darahma's - dar ah Ma 's, or more could remain citizens. This was done in the belief that the poorer elements of the society had compelled the war in the first place. Hypereides was condemned to death, fled, and was probably captured and killed in Eyvoia (Euboea). Demosthenes was forced to commit suicide by Antipater for his role in supporting the War against Makedonians.



history of macedonia


               "Greeks ", "Hellens", "Greece" or "Ellas", "Hellas", such a thing does not exist in antiquity.

"Greeks ", "Hellens", "Greece" or "Ellas", "Hellas",  such a thing does not exist, nor did it exist before 1827 on paper, and in practice only after 1835.
If you do not believe, find them on this ancient map.


“The ''hellenistic period'', should be called correctly Makedonian period”.

Coin from Demastion KA ARAKLE I DON - Like Hercules and God. The city of Demastionis not found because they are looking for him in the wrong place, he is in area of Kreatovo, not in area of Ohrid.

The minting of Makedonian of gold and silver coins was perfected in the city of Demastion - DEMASTION - DE MA S'TI ON - with the goddess MA you too, ON - he, means unique, the first, by Makedonian vasieos Makedonon Philippoy , became a truly unique masterpiece in antiquity and was used throughout the ancient world. The coins were made from domestic ores and the current mines around Kratovo, Zletovo and Kozuf. This was confirmed by the laboratories from France and Germany that comparatively analyzed the ores and coins of by Makedonian vasieos Makedonon Philippoy and vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy , excavated throughout the archeological sites throughout Republic of Macedonia, in the last few years.
The found ancient coins at the Isar Marvinci site were sent by professors Blazo Boev and Sonja Lepitkova from the Faculty of Mining from Stip and professor Vladimir Bermanets from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics from Zagreb to a laboratory in the German city of Darmstadt, the exact composition of the coins, and then where the ores were taken to be minted. The coins date from the 4th century BC and are made from the Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area.
The analogy of the helmets found at the same site showed that they were made of ores in Kratovo. These findings determine that the ancient Makedonians lived in this area, and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy himself used Kratovo ore for his coins.

Vasileos Amintoy the FIRST introduced the coin - STATER of silver (srebrenik), the system copied it from Persia to facilitate economic development in Makedonia.
S TAT AR more credibly.
STATAR - homeland - state
S'TATO - ''STATO'' - state, but in Italian.
''Patria'' - homeland, all is related to the word ''father'', in relation to the state.

Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the FIRST, he was the first to put the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON ",on the Makedonian coin - stater, in 498 BC with that he protected the Makedonian alphabet and this act of his is of great importance.

In Demastion, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy drastically improved the Makedonian coin - stater of silver and introduced a new of gold - gold stater, so the Makedonian coin made of silver (srebre-nik) and gold (zlat-nik) - stater, became an international currency for payment in trade and economy.

DEMASTION - DE MA S'TI ON - with the goddess MA you too, ON - he, means unique, the first.


 Greece or Hellas for  the first time in history is Get into 1829 with the assistance and protection of France, Russia and the United Kingdom under King OTTO  from Vitelsbah the Prince of Bavaria born in Salzburg, June 1, 1815 and died in Bamberg July 26, 1867

The young Prince for first time come  in Athens on January 25, 1833 he hardly heard anyone speak in Greek and so he asked: 

"Where are the Greeks in Athens?" 

His court looked at each other and answered: 

"There are no Greeks, but do not be troubled because this Albanian population will always be faithful to your monarchy"- The King Otto - Zacharias Papantoniou


  ''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the Sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.

You must not confuse with the `` Hellenes '' after 1830, because they are a nation invented after yeare 1833, they have nothing with the ancients, and they distinguish themselves culturally and with language, from the ancients.

      The ''HELLENS'' is a people of ancient times who worshiped, adore the God of the Sun, so that is a religion, like christianity today, NOT A NATION. That religion of ancient times today does not exist, and these people believed and worshiped the God of the Sun....

For the Makedonians was god ILE, for the Illyrians - I'L , for nations under ancient Thessaly, which the people lived in separate cities states was DZE - KSE, Adze for the Adzaians (Danai's). ''HELLIOS'' is Latin invention, while for the Romans was APOLLO.

''ILOTI'', native not assimilated Pelasgians - the whites.

HELLIOS - HE LLI - OS is Latin invention, comes from "KS" = "ХE" Latin switches to
 "H" - "hellios" to end up with us in "helios'',  they  like that lie us.

 ''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.

[1].The Xenian historian Arodotas (Herodotus) - (if the written is true it must be so written)  Before  the teritory of Dzena, Dzenika was populated with Pelasgians - the whites and with coming to the Danai's  they was ASSIMILATED in Danai's - Adzena. (Probably all these books are fake)


This here is heavily falsified, or all of everything is falsified: Isocrates; 
''Pelasgians a non Danai's population spoke a barbarian language that he dont understand. Only after learning the Danai language did THEY BECOME Danai. If they speak Danai unquestinably be classed as Danai/ Isocrates in the Letter 9 to Archidamus.
Isocrates , ''Panegyrikos'' ; qoute ...... has brought it about that the name ''Hellenes'' suggest NO LONGER a rase but an intelligence, and that the title ''Hellenes'' is APPLIED rather to those who shere our culture than to those.

****This here is heavily falsified, or all of everything is falsified: **** In the original fake book is written:

'' Isocrates; 
.. Pelasgians a non hellenic population spoke a barbarian language that he dont understand. Only after learning the greek language did THEY BECOME greeks (the Danai's). If they speak greek unquestinably be classed as greek/ Isocrates in the Letter 9 to Archidamus 

Isocrates, Panegyrikos; qoute ...... has brought it about that the name Hellenes suggest NO LONGER a rase but an intelligence , and that the title Hellenes is APPLIED rather to those who shere our culture than to those .'' 

Today's Greeks have no linguistic, cultural, religious or anthropological connection with the ancient Danai's and ancient peoples. The greeks of today even if they have no relationship with the ancients CELEBRATED THE MAKEDONIANS VASILEOS - KINGS who INSLAVE the Danai's from Adzena (Danai's) - Peninsula of Adzenika (Attica) the cousins of the Nubians of Nubia, to prove some false antiquity they don't possess.

[3] . The INVENTION lie OF THE NAME FROM THE Ionian historian Herodotus: The name of ''hellens'' come from the city HELLEA, the first city where come in sauth of Europe the Danai's, from Nubians of Nubia - Africa. The name of hellens come from thise city Hellea who is concuist from the Pelasgians. ''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.

-  The historian Arodotas (Herodotus):
        That earlier the whole of Adzenika (Attica) was inhabited by Pelasgians - WHITE - the WHITE, but with the arrival of the Danai's (Danai the base, the origin is the Nubians of Nubia) in Adzenika, the Pelasgians were assimilated into that part of the Peninsula, but there were still living Pelasgians. (Herodotus I, 57-58).

The historian Arodotas (Herodotus):
''DZENA is the real ancient name of the city not "Adzena", the inscription "Athena" appeared with the arrival of the Romans in the Peloponnese - Athens'' (t'Atina - dad daughter) is old Pelazgian city''.

''(If the written is true it must be so written) The defensive walls of ADZENA (is the real ancient name of the city not "Athens", the inscription "Athena" appeared with the arrival of the Romans in the Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese).) Adzena were built by the Pelasgians''. - (Herodotus  I).

It is believed that the Danai's of Africa occupied the city of Dzena, which was inhabited by Pelasgians, from 1200 to 800 BC. and become Adzena.

 ''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.

You must not confuse with the `` Hellenes '' after 1830, because they are a nation invented after yeare 1833, they have nothing with the ancients, and they distinguish themselves culturally and with language, from the ancients.

      The ''HELLENS'' is a people of ancient times who worshiped, adore the God of the sun, so that is a religion, like Christianity today, NOT A NATION. That religion of ancient times today does not exist, and these people believed and worshiped the God of the Sun ....

For the Makedonians was god ILE, for the Illyrians - I'L , for nations under ancient Dzetsalia (Thessaly), which the people lived in separate cities states was HELLIOS - HE LLI - OS is Latin invention, while for the Romans was APOLLO.

When the Adzaians (Danai's) under leadership to Demosthenes together with the spartans under Spartanian avahtos Aegis 3, they mad insurrection against Makedonian military garrisons left there in the time of Makedonian Vasileos Alexandaroy Makedonon, which at that time was in military campaign against Persian Empire, Alexandaroy Makedonon send diplomatic a letter (is lie) to the Adzeaians saying (if the written is true it must be so written)that:

'' I do not fight just only for the Makedonians interests against Persia but and for the all believers in the god of light Dze (like religion not like nation and Makedonian Vasileos Alexandaroy Makedonon believes in the God of the Sun) ... and I am believer in the god of light Dze, son of believer in the god of light Dze ''.

Makedonian Vasileos Filippoy Makedonon his makedonian soldiers in the battle Field of the Cross, sent makedonian soldiers with braided crowns of laurel wreath, symbol of the Sun God, then battle sacrificed 3000 captured Focians soldiers to honor of the Sun God - Dze.

Isocrates (someone wrote this lie) about the Hellens wrote that:

'' The Hellens are intelligence ''

When Makedonian Vasileos Filippoy Makedonon sacrificed 3000 captured Fochians soldiers to honor of the Sun God, Isocrates said:

'' Better dead than alive ''

,.. from here we see how Isocrates was '' intelligent '', and his followers.

Today modern Greek manipulators and their cooperators, even today there new nation they called '' HELLAS '', lustily want the '' Hellens '' to notions AS nation, NOT AS a religion .... a religion that believed in different nations from the ancient period, which is based:

'' To adore the God of the Sun ''

.... means it was their mutual, let's call idea... as Christianity or Islam or any other religion,... same religion different nations.

1. Buth WE makedonians have and oure linguistics theory:

 The name HELLENS come form MAKEDONIAN word: ISELENI, translatein english: TRANSFERRED
SELEN (makedon ) - HELEN (latin ) ELLA (come - ELA - come - makedon) - ELLAS - HELLAS - TRANSFERRED (english) 




The Achaean League

The Achaean League

[5] The members of the Achaean League were "Greeks" for the Romans.  Of those "Greeks" only the Adzaians of the Danai's city state Adzena were Africans, the others were Bellasti ( Pellasgians) - whites. The territory of Sparta was also attached to the Roman province Achaea.

The Achaean military alliance was not a state.

The Romans RINAMED the popolation under Dzermopole ''Termopile''  in ''GREEKS' after the battle with the Achaean League to the place Greko.  

      The name ''Greece'' comes from the Romans after the battle with the Achaean League of the place ''Greco'' where that population of thise city ''Grekoy'', gave cilen resistance so since then Romans called all nations under thise place ''GREEKS''. So after that this name unites the spiritual  thise popolation and 1829 by the major powers hes made the kingdom of Greece.

          This place  Greco was inhabited by the impostors and thieves: ''GREKOY'' in ancient Danai's language means  impostors and thieves.


 -  Pausanias ;
2.1.14 .. Qudze (Corinth) is NO LONGER inhabited by any of the old Corinthians, BUT BY COLONIST PUT by ROMANS 

 [6] Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus one of the biger experts of ancient Makedonian history AND hime selfe life in the time of ancient makedonians when Makedonians be inslaved by the Romans IT WRITES : ''The Makedonians'' have PELAZGIAN ORIGIN (Justin. VII, 1, 3)

 [7] . Titus Livius, book XXX, р. 29
still exists not assimilated Pelazgians AFTER coming to the Romans to the Peninsula of the Dze (Peloponnese) and thise is the AKARANIANS and AETIOLIANS and they speak spread like ''Macedonians'' 
- Makedonians

Tito Livo, book XXX, p. 29 the Akaranians, Aetiolians and Makedonias THEY SPEAK SAME language DIFFERENT and NOT Danai language
           -  ''Aetolos, Acarnanas, Macedonas (Makedonians) eiusdem linguae hominess'' 


" The Adzeians (Danai's there were still then Danais) and their allies ... at every opportunity cursed Philip (the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy), his family and his kingdom, his forces on land and at sea, as well as the entire race and name of the Makedonians . " - Titus Livius - the historian Tito Livius - lived from 59 BC. to 17 AD , means that when "reforms" have already been made by Octavian, it means that he has already named after the "new" reforms.

''Tito Livio, book XXX, p. 29''

Tito Livo, book XXX, p. 29 the Akaranians, Aetiolians and Makedonias THEY SPEAK SAME language DIFFERENT and NOT Danai language
           -  ''Aetolos, Acarnanas, Macedonas (Makedonians) eiusdem linguae hominess''

Tito Livio - History of Rome

[7 a] Polybias (Polybius) was born around 200 BC in Megalopoliton, Arcadia - Peninsula of Dze.
It covered the period of 264 – 146 BC, recording in detail events in Apennine Peninsula, Iberia, Peninsula of Dze, Makedonia, Asaria (Syria), Egypt and Africa, and documented the Punic Wars and Makedonian Wars among many others.
Polybias (Polybius) - historian, lived in 2 century BC (19. Claudius. Cap 15. Aurelianus. Cap. 13; Appianrnus Illyr, Cap. 6; Mannert), ''The Illyrian language is Makedonian dialect and a Thrachan language also''.

[8] . The biger ancient Pontian geograf Strbos- Στράβων 63 o 64 a.C. it writes: Dzetsalia (Tessalia) the land BETWEEN Achaea and Makedonia the poplation who life in Dzetsalia (Tessalia) is with Pelazgian origin (Страбо, p. 221 - 4)

 -  ''The popolation in Tessalia is from  RELASGIAN origin''.

Today's Greeks have no linguistic, cultural, religious or anthropological connection with the ancient Danai's and ancient peoples.

Who thinks that is not the case, let him make a comparison with Danai's language and Greek which are two different languages, even the letters are not all the same:

Rosetta Stone - koini alphabet - Danai language



      The ancient Danaic language is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the modern Greek language that was formed later in 1976 from the two dialects Katharevousa and Dimotiki, dialects spoken on some Aegean islands in present Greece. The priests from the islands spread the "Greek" language and alphabet of the church of Constantinople everywhere after the then population of the new state of Greece, because they did not speak the "Greek" language in 1829, normally, they were neither Greeks nor Danai's.



     According to the ancient Danai's all persons who speaks their language involves and creed can be to declare it self DANAI,... THISE RULE IT WAS NOT WORTH for Aristotel who is REFUSED from athinians and athinian ancient university because it was not been BORN IONIOAN,...

,.... The Adzaians (Danai's), with joy over the death of  Vasileon Makedonon Alexandoy,... The priest Eurimidon sues Aristotle ... ''In order  do not make a mistake twice against philosophy" (the first is Socrates), Aristotle, is sentenced to death, returns to Makedonia, precisely to the island of Eyvoya (Evia), where he dies,...

      Ironic and to laugh its that the greks is manipulated from they teachers who teach them that THE ARISTOTEL GIVE THEM THE NAME GREECE AND from hire GREEKS because Aristotel for the first time coll the Danai's like GREEKS... the Greeks today want to sey THE man who is REFUSED from ancient Adzeaians (Danai's),  give them the name to modern greeks,... the Greece and greeks.

     [12] The ancient librairie from Alexandia who fondator is Ptolemy from Makedonia the cousins of vasileos Makedonon Alexandoy is BURN from the Romans and some of the books of Aristotel is transcribed in arabic FOR arabs use and not only books from Aroistotel, its MANIPULATED AND mistaken interpreted ... from these books the modern civil world know for the ancient history ,.. thanks to the arabs.

It's IMMORAL LIE that the Greeks are the founders of the modern western lifestyle, because they are not ancients.


       [13] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ is ancient makedonian  - (koine alfabet) AND  it's MAKEDONIAN word
ΒΑΣ - YOURES (english)  - VAS (makedon) 
ΙΛΕ - GOD of the SUN -  BOGOT na sonceto - vashiot bog (makedon) 

it's youre BΑΣ - light ΙΛΕ Ω - the god of the sun Ile - light,

your light - BΑΣ ΙΛΕ ΩΣ

"ΩΣ" - is an addition


       [14]  Greece like UNITED STATE FOR FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY 1830 with Bavarian monarh Otto:

The young Prince for first time come  in Athens on January 25, 1833 he hardly heard anyone speak in Greek and so he asked: 

"Where are the Greeks in Athens?" 

His court looked at each other and answered: 

"There are no Greeks, but do not be troubled because this Albanian population will always be faithful to your monarchy"- The King Otto - Zacharias Papantoniou.

Bersey (Persey) and Arakleon (Heracles) - peace made

''For those who do so I pray that all the ancestral gods, from Persia and Makedonia and from the native hearth of Kommagene, may continue to be gracious to them in all clemency''.

- Inscription of Antiochon FIRST of Commagene (98-38 BC) at Mount Nemrut, Turkey

There is no ''time of Hellenism'' this is invented, Makedonians worshiped Makedonian dignities with respect for the locals.


GEOGE KASTRIOT - a second Alexander Macedon Rosetta Stone GEOGE KASTRIOT - a second Alexander Macedon

The middle text and phonetics pronouncements of the Rosetta Stone it's in Makedonian language, to the alphabet ''crti i resi'', governments (pharaons), the dinastia Ptolemy from these epoca vs from Arakleon (Heraclea) - Bitola - Makedonia (Republic of Macedonia).

GEOGE KASTRIOT - a second Alexander Macedon

The midle text from the Rosetta Stone is decodificated by makedonans linguistics, who prove that the ancient makedonians and odiern modern makedonian lenguege it's the seme.

 [16] "The Adzaians and their allies ... at every opportunity cursed Philip, his family and his kingdom, his forces on land and at sea, and the entire race and name of the Makedonians." - Tito Livio

[16 a] Polybias (Polybius) - historian, lived in 2 century BC (19. Claudius. Cap 15. Aurelianus. Cap. 13; Appianrnus Illyr, Cap. 6; Mannert), ''The Illyrian language is Makedonian dialect and a Thrachan language also''.

[17] ''If Demosthenes had as much power as your mind, they would never have ruled the Adzeaians (Danai's), the warlike Makedonians'' - from the Adzeaians (Danai's) monument to Demosthenes.


The Greek Lie or ignorance

It is evident that the Greeks don't understand the Makedonian language and the alphabet ''lines and sketches'' -  demotic alphabet (the makedonian phonetic pronunciations).

The Greeks caught up in their lies. On Rosetta Stone, there are 3 texts, no 2, such they lie, which are recorded in the picture:

Rosetta Stone - Egyptian hieroglyphs - Egyptian language

1  - texts  is Egyptian hieroglyphs and Egyptian language, 

Rosetta Stone - Makedonian language -  lines and sketches - demotic alphabet

2 - texts  is the alphabet ''lines and sketches'' -  demotic alphabet and it's in Makedonian language with makedonian phonetic pronunciations, for that the Greeks do not understand the Makedonian language.

Rosetta Stone - koini alphabet - Danai language

3 - texts is "koini'" the alphabet (Makedonians used that letter "koini" 100 years before the ancients Adzeaians (Athenians-Danai's)) - but  in ancients Danai's language, not ''greek'', the ''greeks'' and ''greek'' language, then it did not exist. 

The Greek language of today is different from the ancient Danai's language, today's Greeks to interpret the ancients Danai language it should study, from the beginning.


     The stone inscription speaks of some laws of Egypt's in the time of Pharaohs, of the family of Ptolemy 5 of Arakleon (Heraclea) - near Bitola, today in the Republic of Macedonia, in 3 languages:  ancient Egyptian, ancient Мakedonian, ( ancient makedonians and odiern modern makedonian lenguege it's with the seme phonetic pronunciations and ancient Danai language.


            The term ''Byzantine Empire'' is a modern term and was not known to contemporaries of the empire. During its existence, this empire was called Romea, which is a direct translation of the Latin name of the Roman Empire - "Imperium Romanorum", all existing records speak of "Romei", meaning countries that are heirs of the Roman Empire and their subjects.

            The name ''Byzantia'' was first used in 1557 (just over a hundred years after the fall of Constantinople by the Bavarian historian Heronim Wolf in his work ''Corpus Historiae Bizantinae'', which states that the name Vyzantia originated in the Roman city of Byzantion - which was a Roman colony on the foundations of the Payonian city Py, which referred to a Payonian colony that existed on the Bosphorus before the formation of Constantinople.


            [16][ Then in 1042, the Romea (Byzantine Empire) attacked by makedonian insurrection under command to the Makedonian leader Petar Delian, after having defeated the Arabs in Sicily and having brought the Sicilian Albanians under their command and christianizing them. The leader of the Byzantines (Romeans) who led the Albanians was named Georgius Maniakos. Maniakos brought Albanian mercenaries from Sicily to fight the Makedonians insurrection and they settled in two waves in modern day Albania, first the mercanaries came, and then came the women and children. After the defeat of Maniakos, the Byzantines would not let the Albanians return, thus the Albanians requested that the Makedonians let them stay on the land. They settled under mount Raban and the city of Berat and from this, the Makedonians called them "Rabanasi" or "Arbanasi". The city of Berat was known as Belgrad also, before the Albanians came to settle there. They mostly tended sheep and cattle.]

“Historia, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Impensis ed. Neberi, Bonnae”.

Bavarian historian Heronim Wolf in his work ''Corpus Historiae Bizantinae''.

[17] The true interpretation of name SLOVEN is: SLO - VEN: 00words to the Venets'', people who speaks venetian language. NOT: slav, slavic, zlav,.. slav = sclav.



GEOGE KASTRIOT - a second Alexander Macedon  


           George Kastriot - a second Alexander Makedonon was born May 6. 1405, died January 17. 1468 is buried in Kroia.

        George Kastrioti is a prince and later ruler of Makedonia and Epirus in Kroia a capital, today Albania or otherwise MOUNTAIN  MAKEDONIA. He is a son of  Ivan and Voyislava ( sister of Prince Marko) daughter Volkasin Prilep-king who was the brother to Ugljesha - Ser king, two tragic actors in  battle  of Maritsa.
        George Kastrioti was a personal friend with neapols Kng Alfonso, many times sent soldiers Weird Heapol to defend King Alfonso of enemies.
         George Kastrioti when was young, his father send hime in school to Venice, where he earned and military education.

     >>>>>>>>>> That: George Kastriot was captured by the Ottomans with the they brothers. His older brothers: Constantine and Reposh were killed,. (Repsh, son of Ivan (+ 1449) was a diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St. George of Mount Athos, where he is is buried) ''....if is killed how become diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St. George of Mount Athos''? , and Giorge Kastriot became a soldier - ianichar, the favorite of the Sultan Murat is a BIG LIE <<<<<<<<



"Bartleti Martin, the oldest biography of the 14th century, calls:

George Kastriot George ''REX MACEDUM'' - Makedonian King

          Certainly, the family Kastriot is from Makedonian tribe Miyaks, The word "castrate" is Makedonian etymology, as the word: kastri - trimming

Data on important figures from the ancestry Kastriotite:

- Constantine (1186-1247) ruler-arhont. Ruled territory until Middle the Matia, the city Drcha (Drač) to the north, to below Ioannina, in the south.

- John (1261-1327), known as Kaninski was ruler. Property of his grandfather Constantine has spread to the north over river Drin, covering the cities , Dajin, Kilkis (Kukes) Svetigrad and Debar.

- John, son of Branko, grandson of John, between 1348 and 1357 was bishop in Drcha (Drač).

- Methodius, the son of Brane (+ 1411) was bishop of the diocese Krojskata.

- Alexander, son of Paul (+ 1418) was a duke and a member of the Holy See in Rome.

- Repsh, son of Ivan (+ 1449) was a diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St.. George, of Mount Athos, where he is is buried.

- Brane son repos (+ 1496) was a diplomat and commander in the defense of the capital city Kroiya from the Ottomans.

- Slavianin, the son of Constantine (+ 1503) diplomat and commander of the city Debar, defender from the Turks.

- Gojko, son of Angelina Ambassador to the Epirus kingdom to Venice.

- George, son of Ivan, in 1444 proclaimed king of Makedonia and Epirus and for a second VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY.

        In the 13th book of Martin Barleti 15th century, entitled "Vita et praeclare interests gestae Christi Athletae Gheorghiu Castrioti Epirotarum principis, ljui heroicam virtutem propter suam a Turcis Scander Bey, id est est Aledzhander Magnus cognominatus Libris XIII", he gives detailed Information for George - a second vasileos Alexandroy Makedonon - and his army. The composition of the army of George Kastriot Martin Barleti says it is composed of elected people of Debar, which are also Makedonians:

"Scanderbegus ... VIAS patentes inter manipulos antesignario Dibranis suis et Macedonicis edzhplevit (EA Lewis armature era).''

       Charter of Ivan Kastriot Hillendar the monastery in 1426: "After neizrechenom milosrdiju moego assistant bishop sinful and unworthy, do not laugh nareshti the edge Christ Boega moego Ivan Kastriot and sons moimi Stanishom and Reposhem and Konstantinova and Gergiem prilozhismo Holy ... Monastery Velikova pure vladichice Hillendar bays and attached village and village Radostushe crkvom St. Bogorodicom pure, tazhe Tues Vol population Radostushe Trebishtem village and the village ... " Srendovekoven Makedonian! And who and where villages and AGS Radostusha (Rostuše)


greek pope blesses turkish cannon greek pope blesses turkish cannon

William Ewart Gladstone, January 19 1897, British Statesman

greek pope blesses turkish cannon
Manifest of the Provisional Government of Makedonia 11-23/ 04/ 1881

Secretary Nikola Trajkov Central State Archive of the October Revolution in Moscow (Department Count Ignatiev No. 730 Description No. 1 ed. 79). Republished in "Selected texts on the history of the Makedonian people part 2 Skopje 1976 p. 256-258

Before 1830, none Makedonian from the Makedonian territories declared he selfe as "Greek", such a record has not been recorded anywhere in history, for the simple reason that Greeks and Greece never existed before 1830, and it is creation of the foreigners, this also applies to Bulgarians, which exist after 1888.

Until death for Macedonia

''Fight until death for Makedonia''. For Makedonia and the Makedonians have been written about for millennia, those who try to denay them are tragic-comic.

the greeks it continues to hide the ethnic cleansing in ocupated Aegean Makedonia in 21 century STILL THEY DENY theCIVILL and HUMANS RIGHTS TO MAKEDONIANS , in 21 century

greek pope blesses turkish cannon

Greek pope blesses Turkish cannon

greek andarts cooperete with the turks against macedonians fighters

Greek andarts cooperete with the turks against Makedonians fighters

Massacre over Makedonian civilians of village of Zagorichani on March 25 in 1905 when they were brutally killed 62 villagers, children, women elders from Greek andrats.

Zagorichani after the Massacre on March 25 in 1905

Manifest of the Provisional Government of Makedonia 1881., With the seal of vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.

greek pope blesses turkish cannon

Manifest of the Provisional Government of Makedonia - Khustendil 11-23/ 04/ 1881.

Secretary Nikola Trajkov Central State Archive of the October Revolution in Moscow (Department Count Ignatiev No. 730 Description No. 1 ed. 79). Republished in "Selected texts on the history of the Makcedonian people part 2 Skopje 1976 p. 256-258.

Before 1830, none Makedonian from the Makedonian territories declared he selfe as "Greek", such a record has not been recorded anywhere in history, for the simple reason that Greeks and Greece never existed before 1830, and it is creation of the foreigners.

After 1905 begins the great assimilation policy by Bulgaia, Greece, and Serbia in Makedonia.

Maitland Weekly Mercury (NSW, Australia), Saturday 28 September 1907, page 13.

Those "Greek" gangs were Karakachani and Albanians from Thessaly.

The people of Katakachani are from Transylvania, their language is the same as that of the Romania,

they have nothing "Hellenic".

 ''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the Sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.

You must not confuse with the `` Hellenes '' after 1830, because they are a nation invented after yeare 1833, they have nothing with the ancients, and they distinguish themselves culturally and with language, from the ancients.

      The ''HELLENS'' is a people of ancient times who worshiped, adore the God of the Sun, so that is a religion, like christianity today, NOT A NATION. That religion of ancient times today does not exist, and these people believed and worshiped the God of the Sun ....

A ridiculous tragedy has begun, supported by ethnic cleansing and crime.

LONDON, Tuesday.— Greek bands are committing terrible excesses in Makedonia.

At Garadja recently a band killed 10 persons and wounded five others by throwing dynamite cartridges into houses. Several villagers -were burnt to death amid the ruins of their homes.

??????? ???? ????????? The Bulgarians were loyal Turkish vassals, the Makedonian revolutionaries arrested them.

??????? ???? ?????????

On the eve of the Ilinden Uprising 01/02/1903 the Bulgarian Council of Ministers acted to disperse the Makedonian revolutionary organizations in Bulgaria.

??????? ???? ????????? The Bulgarians were loyal Turkish vassals, the Macedonian revolutionaries arrested them on the eve of the uprising, it is evident that they were very well informed about the uprising.

The Sultan thanks Ferdinand and the Bulgarian government for arresting the Macedonian comites. The Sultan thanks Ferdinand and the Bulgarian government for arresting the Macedonian comites.

to kill prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria To kill prince Ferdinand

macedonian dinamiters

macedonian dinamiters


January 19 1908

macedonian dinamiters


Makedonians Driven Into Houses and Burned to Death

,.. A terrible tragedy at he village of Dragosch, near Monastir, a town in Makedonia, several days ago.

Whlle a festival was in progres and the villagers were dancing upon the lawns in the public park, a large band of Greeks suddenly swooped down upon them and after drivind them into their houses, set fire to the buildings and burded them to death.

The victims includet woman and children, and and numbered it is seid between twenty-five and forty-five.


Balkan Wars  


The First Balkan War, which lasted from October 1912 to May 1913, pitted the Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire. The combined armies of the Balkan states overcame the numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies, and achieved rapid success. As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies, and an independent Albanian state set up. Despite its success.

1912 - Danish Prince Harald offered the throne of Independent Makedonian Kingdom.

Bulgaria was unsatisfied with the peace settlement and with the Ottoman threat gone, soon would start a The Second Balkan War broke out on 16 June 1913 when Bulgaria attacked its erstwhile allies in the First Balkan War , Serbia and Greece, while Montenegro, Romania and the Ottoman Empire intervened later against Bulgaria. The outcome turned Serbia, an ally of the Russian Empire, into an important regional power, alarming Austria-Hungary and thereby indirectly providing an important cause for World War 1.


After  Balkans wars 1913  to the coference of London, Makedonia is separated in 4 parts: 

 -  BETWEEN  the new state Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece,



Also after the first World War the Makedonia is not indipendent buth its separation only was reconfirmed to the conference of Bucharest. 

Separation  of Makedonia after I World War  to the conference  Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919





 The greek etnic cleansing  and genocide of macedonians in Aegean part of Makedonia   



greeks crimes against makedonians

"Manifesto of Glory" for the military campaign 1912-1913 in Aegean part of Makedonia which was financed by France and Britain, for them it was a New Western - British-French colony ruled by the Bavarian king under the name "New Greece".

1912 began a great ETNIC CLEANSING and genocide of Makedonians...the cruelty displayed by the Greek soldiers in their dealings towards the Makedonian people was merciless 135 000 of the Makedonians expelled 200 vilages from Aegean part of macedonia where COMPLETELY destroed ....

greeks crimes against makedonians

 Greeks crimes against Makedonians    

greeks crimes against macedonian civils

Greeks crimes against Makedonians

greeks crimes against macedonians

Greeks crimes against makedonians

1913 the greeks army burnet the Makedonian town Kukush with 1,846 houses, 612 shops,6 factories at same time 4,000 houses where burned to the ground in the Seres vicinity.

greeks crimes against makedonians greeks crimes against makedonians

Makedonian refugees 1912

 350 000 moslems were EXPELLED from the Agean part of Makedonia 40 000 of these were Makedonians moslems in place of the Makedonians expelled to Bulgaria and Turkey the Greek state resettled 618 000 persons of Greece and NON-Greek origin and greeks from Turkey in the Agean part of Makedonia 1913 after separation Greek government activ the policy of the denial of the nationality and the assimilation of the Macedonians the name Makedonian and Makedonian language were PROHIBITED and the Makedonians were referred to as BULGARIANS, Slavophons Greeks or simlle ''endopes''(natives) and the same time ALL Makedonians were FORCED to change their names and surnames, the latter to end in: IS -OS-POULOS. 
With the deniei of the Makedonian nation went the NON RECOGNITION of the Makedonian language its was proibited,minimized and it was considered a barbarina language Makedonian language between parents children among villagers and weddins and funerals WAS STRICTLY FORBIDEN
  the  written use of Macedonian also strictly prohibited and macedonian literancy was being eliminated from the churches, monuments and TOMBSTONES, ALL the churches were given Greek names.

greeks are NOT Macedonians

АIf they were "Greeks" they would have nurtured and spoken the Greek language, they have made "Greeks" out of the unfortunates

The Pontians and the Armenians, the so-called "Magiris", were originally ''Slavophones'' - Sloveni, not "Greeks", but because they were Christians, they were expelled from Turkey and settled in the Aegean part of Makedonia. The "Magiris" originally are not Greeks, but made them "Greeks", why they did not know the Greek language, so the Greeks made "real Makedonians" according to the Greek assimilationist policy.

The truth is a bit more tragic, the Pontians and the Armenians, possibly also the Macedonian colonies, are SLOVENI linguistically, SLO VEN - VLOVO VENETO, those who speak a Venetian dialect, but during the Ottoman occupation they were assimilated linguistically by the Osmanlians (Ottomans), but not religiously. When they arrived in the Aegean part of Makedonia and also in other parts of Greece, they accepted the Greek language, immediately, the Greek state assimilated them linguistically in a flash, made "great" Greeks out of them, many of them participated in the implementation of the Makedonian genocide in the Aegean part of Makedonia, which continues to this day.


greeks are NOT Macedonians


1926 the Greek government on the change TOPONYMS of the Agean part of Makedonia ALL vilages, towns, rivers and mountanians were RENAMED and given Greek names.The Greek state achieved a policyof state terror 1936 general Metaxas bannet the use of Makedonian not only in everyday life in the vilages in the market - place in ordinary and natural human COMUNUCATIONS and funerals, but also within the FAMILY CIRCLE. Adult Makedonians were FORCED to attend what were know as evening schools ant to learn ''the greek melodious'' VIOLATION to this rule is DEPORTED to desolate Greek islands ''the Protection of Northen Greece'' organization PAD and other such MILITARY FORMATON using the teror muder deportation: 3 482 houses were burned down, 80 vilages consisting of 1 605 families were plundered and 1 045 head of large live STOCK and 23 382 head of small investok were confiscated.

greeks are NOT Macedonians

Soon after they came to one part of Makedonia the Greeks started their assimilation and ethnic cleansing, and nickname of ethnic Makedonians with ''names''

   In the Kostur region alone 4,500 Makedonian men and women were accused of autonomistic activities, even though most of them were on active service with ELLAS. According to the information available, in the period from 1945 to the end of 1974, 9,924 Makedonians were remanded in custody and 4,203 were convicted. 23,811 Makedonian men and women were interned on the basis of decisions of the special Security Commission. The most - typical examples of forced migration of Makedonians are to be found in eastern Makedonia, where Greek terrorist bands killed 29 and imprisoned 3,100 Makedonians and expelled 600 Makedonian families across the borders - and this in the period from February to the end of March 1945 alone. 

greeks crimes against macedonians

 Greeks crimes against Makedonians 

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

Greek - Nazi collaborator from " Tagmas Asfalias " - '' battalions security '' proudly to et his victim - Orest 1943

women raped to the Macedonian fighters from the greek nationalists 

 women raped to the Makedonian fighters from the greek nationalists

greeks crimes against macedonians 

Greeks crimes against Makedonians  

greeks crimes against macedonians

 Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians 

greeks crimes against macedonians


1945 (now declassified) Secret British Foreign Office cable passed unto Australia- raises the possibility of "exchange of populations" between Greece and Yugoslavia over Makedonia issue - in effect ethnic cleansing of ethnic Makedonians in Greece.

greeks crimes against macedonians

Greeks nationalists with the they flag

greeks crimes against macedonians

1945 - Greek ethnic cleansing of Makedonians reported in the Australian press

The situation was no different in the other areas of Aegean Makedonia. In 1948 the majority of the Macedonian population of western and central Aegean Makedonia fled to Yugoslavia and Albania in order to save their lives. More than 60,000 Makedonian men and women were forced to seek, refuge outside the country, fleeing across the border.
In June 1946 a group of Greek Members of Parliament suggested that the Greek Parliament issue a decree for the forced deportation of all Makedonians from the Aegean part of Makedonia, a suggestion which was justified by their alleged activities, which were said to be a threat to the integrity and sovereignty of Greece and a danger to the peace.

greeks crimes against macedonians
The Greek monarcho-fascists was the forced resettlement of their villagers and the dumping of them in special camps in urban centres, which had begun as early as 1946. According to the statistics, 213,000 people were forcibly exited from the Aegean part of Makedonia. The terror, mass murder and other forms of repression proved ineffective when it came to breaking the spirit of Makedonians.

greeks crimes against macedonians

Greece Executes 8 Macedonians
ATHENS, June 7 (Reuthers)-
Eight Makedonian civilians sen-
tenced to death by a court-martial
on charges of plotting to separate

Makedonia from Greece were shot
at Salonika today. They were said
to have been members of a "ter-
roristic" Sloveni organization.

The New York Times
Published: June 8, 1947
The New York Times


Makedonians take participation in fighting against Greek nationalists in a NOF and DAG, with that in the Greek Civil war because, the Greek communists guaranteeing the civil rights for Makedonians in Greece


A group of Makedonian female partisans, participants in the Greek Civil War (1946 - 1949) on the side of  NOF and DAG

A group of Macedonian female partisans, participants in the Greek Civil War (1946 - 1949) on the side of NOF

The makedonian national liberation movement grew into an important and in certain periods even a decisive military and political factor in the country, one with clear and defined strategic goals. More than 20,000 Makedonians served in the ranks of the Democratic Army of Greece (DAG) and its auxiliary services.
The liberated territory, covering mainly the territory of Aegean Makedonia, had popular rule, Makedonian people's schools, a Makedonian people's printing-house which published newspapers and other material in Makedonian, cultural and arts groups and other Makedonian institutions.
1948 the Greek government passed the "M" Decree ordering the confiscation of the property of those individuals who had taken part in the Civil War on the side of the Communist Party of Greece (CPG) and SMNOF, and of those who had assisted these organizations and whose Greek citizenship had been revoked. In addition to this decree, the "N" Decree was passed on 2nd April 1948. This decree revoked the right of inheritance of all those who had taken part in or helped the Civil War.

Realistic those ''general Markos'' is a traitor of the Makedonians, ''general Markos'' cooperate with Greek nationalist army

On 23rd February 1953 a meeting of the Greek military and administrative authorities in Makedonia was held in Ssalonikaa at which it was decided to propose that the Greek government pass a law on the resettlement and re-inhabiting of the so-called sensitive border areas of the Aegean part of Makedonia. it was suggested that all Makedonians from within 60 kilometers of the border be resettled, .....
as disloyal elements, and that in their place Greeks loyal to the regime should be brought in as "healthy elements" with "pure Greek national awareness. The Greek government accepted this proposal and submitted it to the Greek Parliament which, on 4th August 1953, passed Law NL - 2536 on the resettlement of the population from the border areas.

  A total of 28,000 children, aged 2-14 years, left their war-torn homeland for the safety of the Eastern European countries. With the assistance of the Red Cross in these countries, they were housed, fed and educated. Tragically, 1,200 children between the ages of 14 - 15 were brought back to the battlefield by the Provisional Government of the Greek Communists, the majority of whom were slaughtered in the last days of the Greek Civil War. 

in combat actions in different ways involving ant the macedonian childrens

In combat actions in different ways involving and the Makedonian childrens

In accordance with the regulations of this law special state commissions were formed which effected the resettlement, selected people of pure Greek origin and established them in the Makedonian border areas, handing over to them the Makedonians, property. Among these people there were Greek nationalists, chauvinists and anti-Makedonians who had distinguished themselves in the struggle against NOF and DAG.

macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror  macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror
A case in point, and not an isolated one, is that of the group of Makedonian villages called Janovenski in the Kostur region, the inhabitants of which had all fought in the ranks of DAG. Some of the inhabitants of these villages did not emigrate but were resettled in other parts of Makedonia. When the Civil War ended they requested to be allowed to return to their villages, but their request was turned down and their properties were pillaged and their homes demolished.

macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror

macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror

macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror

macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror macedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror

Makedonian civil refugees escape from the greek terror

40,000 people residing in East European countries (Makedonians) the Greek government could not accept or apply the principle of free repatriation.

40,000 people residing in East European countries (Makedonians) the Greek government could not accept or apply the principle of free repatriation. On 30th December 1982 greek government passed a law on the free repatriation of refugees from Greece, i.e. of those "Greek by birth", by which the Makedonians (as non-Greeks by birth) were deprived of the possibility of returning to their homes, to the country of their birth. 1986 The Greek paper "Elefteros Tipos" announces that Prime-Minister Papandreu in the talks with Yugoslav presidency member Stane Dolanc has agreed to recognize the Makedonian language as one of  the official languages in Yugoslavia.

Ethnic cleansing done by the Greeks since 1912 continues today:

Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians

 Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians

Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians

Greeks crimes against Makedonian civil population in Aegean part of Makedonia

затвореници Солун 1947

Concentration camp Solun prisoners, March 1947

Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians

Greeks crimes against against unarmed Makedonian civilians

Greek crimes against the human race go unpunished, on the contrary they are hidden, the victims demand justice

Ethnic cleansing done by the Greeks since 1912 continues today.

1988 Greek Prime-Minister Papandreu and the Foreign Affairs' Karolos Papulias, agree to recognize the Makedonian language in Greece. The banker's affair "Koskotas" brings down the PASOK government, and the documents were never signed. 


The political party of Greece PASOK recognize the Makedonians 1982

    Makedonian Refugee Children and Uncivilized Greece

       Makedonians in Aegean Makedonia, Refugee Children and Uncivilized Greece 



 Greece before 1989 with decree PROHIBITS NAME  MAKEDONIA OF  the ocupated part of Makedonia 1912 in greek north province

pag. of the greek geographic atlas before 1989 - MAKEDONIA

Pag. of the greek geographic atlas before 1989 - MAKEDONIA


Greece after 1989 with decree nominee NAME OF MAKEDONIA  the  GREEK province of north  ( the ocupated part of Makedonia 1912) and begins to deny the existence of Republic of ''Macedonia'' 


greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

Greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

Greece still in 21 century deny the Makedonians or in Greece or outside.


French postcards from Solun - Makedonia



The fight for civil rights to the Makedonians does not stop



The state institutions in the Republic of Macedonia, which have been occupied for decades, should be "cleansed" of foreign agents and help Makedonians all over the world.






??????? ???? ?????????


greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

USA 1922

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity greeks nasionalistik crimes against humanity

Many US soldiers in World War 2 declared themselves as born (native country) in Macedonia (Makedonia).




1944: Macedonians in Bulgaria demanded an autonomous Macedonia within federal Yugoslavia - CIA secret document.

This photo is from the liberation of Belgrade not of Skopje

Probably a part of the Makedonians from Pirin Makedonia, participated in the battles in Republic of Macedonia, however, the fifth Bulgarian communist division had arrived as far as Katlanovo and by direct order of the Makedonian general Mihajlo Apostolski was ordered to return to Bulgaria, therefore no Bulgarian unit was the father of the liberation of the Republic of Macedonia.

1946 Bulgaria, under the leadership of Geogi Dimitrov officially  recognizes the existence of the Makedonian nation and the right of the Pirin part of Macedonia to be attached to the People's Republic of ''Macedonia''. The majority of the population in the Pirin part of Makedonia declares itself as Makedonian in a free census for Bulgaria. 

  1956] In the Bulgarian census of 1956, the majority of the population of Pirin Macedonia again declares itself as Macedonian. Since then Bulgaria under nationalist Todor Zhivkov reverts its decision of recognizing the Makedonian nation and once again forbids free expression of Makedonian nationality and language.

1951 CIA report quoting Turkish newspaper says Bulgaria crushed attempted armed Macedonian uprising in Bulgaria

Stojan Georgiev is a well known ethnic Makedonian dissident who spent 8 years in jail in Todor Zhivkov's Bulgaria for simply identifying as a Makedonian in the 1960s/70s




Makedonians Kukes

Makedonians in the mountainous parts of today's Albania do not have electricity in their homes.

Unfortunately, the situation of the Makedonians in Albania as well as in Kosovo is not as it should be, and the Albanians in Makedonia enjoy privileged rights.



Кирил Глигоров член на ВМОРО стрелан од страна на Србите

Kiril Gligorov is a member of the IMORO, shot by the Serbs

greeks are NOT Macedonians





There is a saying in the Balkans
That "the master of the Vardar Val-
ley is the master of the Balkans,"
and down and across the Vardar lies
the country of the irrepressible
Southern Serbs, the Makedonians.

These Makedonians, as hardy a
race as lives, were the people loud-
est in their protests against capitu-
lation to Germany. For more than
100 years they have withstood the
efforts of four nations (Turkey,

Greece, Bulgaria and Jugoslavia) to
assimilate . them. They are ultra-
patriots, Makedonian patriots, and
among the . greatest fighters in
Europe (writes Richard Greenlees

in the Melbourne "Sun.")
Partitioned and re-partitioned
they remain Makedonians, although
There is no longer a Makedonia.
They recall the last war and hate.

New Zealand presss

Bombing Skopje in the 1943

Daily Illini, 13 April 1944 - Illinois State newspaper archive US

October 1944, near the village of Gjavato, near Bitola, (Republic of Macedonia), Germans from the Vermaic Army, Group E, are negotiating to surrender to the 15th Army Army Macedonian Partisan Corps. From left and British officer, as a witness.

Bulgarian prisoners  1944 (Republic of Macedonia)


 Greece before 1989 with decree PROHIBITS NAME  MAKEDONIA OF  the ocupated part of Makedonia 1912 in greek north province

pag. of the greek geographic atlas before 1989 - MAKEDONIA


Pag. of the greek geographic atlas before 1989 - MAKEDONIA

Greece after 1989 with decree nominee NAME OF MAKEDONIA  the  GREEK Province of North  (the ocupated part of Makedonia 1912) and begins to deny the existence of Republic of Macedonia.



A Clinton official in 1995 admits to the Washington Post newspaper that if it changed the name of Macedonia, the Makedonian people will stay with nothing and can be taken from their aggressive neighbors.


Declassified 1992 phone conversation between US President George Bush snr & Greek Prime Constantine Mitsotakis.
Greek PM thanks President Bush for delaying recognition of Macedonia. Greek PM reveals he offered $50 million (bribe) assistance if Macedonia change name.




2001 War in Makedonia


2001 The war in Makedonia through the lens of CNN

Our problem for centuries is that we have been learned wrongly, so it must be learn correctly.
Let's remind our friends from abroad, teach them to use the words "SLOVEN - SLOVENI ", instead of "slavic", or "slavs", don't waste time with enemies, you will never teach them.
Don't be afraid of the word "Sloven", because Slaveni is even more ancient and unifying, Sloven - slo ven - slovo Veneto, those who speak the Venetian dialect, the Venets were an ancient group of peoples.
While "slav" = "sclav" = slave, in Latin, therefore the word and the words "slav - slavi - slavic" should be avoided, up to their complete rejection.
To use ''sloven - sloveni - slovenski - slovens" in other foreign languages ​​as well.

The Venets are an ancient group of peoples, namely: the Makedonians, the Etruscans, the Romans, the Scythians, the Phrygians, the Phoenicians, it is possible that the Celts are also Venets. The Venets spoke the same or similar, from here it comes the word: SLOVO (the word) VENETO (Venets) SLOVENI, but all Slaveni are not genetically the same.
Today, of the ancient Venets, only the Makedonians have survived, the others have assimilated or been renamed. Today still exist SLOVENO GLASNI - spoke Venets - SLO - VEN - SLOVENI (slovens).


We are only noticing even before, that if they wanted, they could do it.

The traitors are discovered.

IT'S POSSIBLE NATO and under the Constitutional Name for Republic of Macedonia - the Makedonian State, already in December 2017, but criminal politicians from Republic of Macedonia, they prefer to use vicious habits, and that's is to steal, lying and betraying the Makedonian nation.


Angela Merkel -  "only with a positive referendum, will enter in NATO".


The referendum has not passed, only 38% of the citizens voted in the referendum, for the Prespa agreement

Through the "Prespa agreement", repressed by an unauthorized state official, for such an "international document", Greece, with the help of the criminogenic politicians from Makedonian State - Republic of Macedonia, WANTS, to appropriated Makedonian history, culture and in this way they want to abolish it officially the Makedonian people, identity, and the Makedonian State.

''The CRIMINAL AGREEMENT'' оf Prespa violates BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, as the standard of modern civilization! The agreement is an anti-civilization document, our individual and collective human rights are FULLY DENIED.

The "Prespa Agreement", and the "consultative referendum", are genocidal for Republic of Macedonia - the Makedonian State and the Makedonians, the whole procedure is not legal and not constitutional. With criminals, in a criminal way, we will not be able to build a civilized society for us and future generations in the Republic of Macedonia - the Makedonian State.

The "Prespa Agreement", and the "consultative referendum" for has not passed, only 38% of the citizens voted in the referendum, for Prespa agreement.

The Kalashs worried about the political situation in the Republic of Macedonia


Book that speaks for the existence of the Makdonian nation in antiquity

The Greeks with his ignorance reveal the true identity of a glorious Makedonian king 


NOT ''vergina'', correctly written it's - EGE ( Aegea ) ancient Makedonian sacred city, for a long time it was the Makdonian capital

NOT - ''ellas''

Greece is a "political nation" - an artificial nation created in 1827, on paper

The Greeks are not ancient, they dont speak or have the religion and do not physically resemble to the ancients

Makedonian-Greek translator printed 1907 in Athens

Greek halutions:

 For Tsioulkas, was that the "Slavic-seeming'' Makedonian [language] was a ''sister'' of the Greek [language]" and the "Makedonian people" was native and descended from the Ancient Makedonians.

French postcards from Solun - Makedonia - - the indigenous Makedonians


To the Makedonians in Greece and Bulgaria, the Makedonian territories under their occupation after 1912, dont have had their basic human rights and is violated for more than a century, we are talking in territories under the control of the ''civilized'' EU.

Makedonia is constantly contested, and the politicians in Makedonia are incompetent, they only deal with their own problems, Makedonians around the world are left to their own devices, this attitude needs to change.


Copyright © Makedonia is ALL MAKEDONIAeSE.com All rights reserved

Copyright © Makedonia is ALL MAKEDONIAeSE.com All rights reserved








***  You can contact us and to this address: contact е-mail: info@makedoniaese.com




Alexandroy Makedonon

 Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy gave it the world to the Makedonians, and they how returned it to him,.. they poisoned him, destroyed his family,... and today instead Makedonon (he is the Makedon) erase his real name call it ''veliki'' or ''the great'', while the state of Latin they call it ''Мacedonia - Matzedonia'' - name that foreigners have given them, and they do not understand it and do not understand it ,.. and yes I would forget,... they permit someone else to choose her name of the state.

Will anyone be found to "fix" things?










На ден 03 / Ma / 2009, е конструирана страната на Македонија е СЕ: http://www.makedonijaese.com/. Тој ден и се смета за роденден на организацијата Македонија е СЕ.

На ден 16 / Жустар / 2016, е конструирана peзepвнaтa страната на Македонија е СЕ: http://www.makedoniaese.com/

????????? B?KTOP

Уште на самиот почеток интернет страницата на Македонија е СЕ, бидејќи зборува за Вистинската Историја на Македонија со историски факти, но и актуеллни политички настани, СТАНУВА ТРН во очите на сите непријатели на Македонската Држава, ма и трн во очите на некои политички организации во Р. Македонија.

Страницата на Македонија е СЕ, е конструирана како резултат за потребите на Македонскиот Народ и друѓите да се запознаат со Вистинската Македонска Историја, политика и болното Македонско прашање.

Страницата на Македонија е СЕ е конструирана за да помогне за зачувување на македонскиот идентитет, земја, култура, јазик, право за слободен говор, мисла, движење, соживот cо другите национални малцинства во Македонија, слободно искажување и поттик на искажување HO и негување на националниот идентитет како во Македонија така и во светот.





















Very soon every member or sympathizer to Makedonia is ALL, who chooses to donate for help and further development to our organization and with this contribute to the achievement of our goals, of gratitude from our organization will get THE MAKEDONIAN SUN OF PHILIPPOY MAKEDONON, completely made from our artists.




For  all  informations,  contact  e-mail: nfo@makedonon.com , info@makedoniaese.com ,  info@makedonijaese.com

Македонија е СЕ, се залага за нова химна: '' Земјa Mакедонскa''




Alexandroy MakedononAlexandroy MakedononAlexandroy Makedonon







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Македонија е СЕ Партија на Народот на Слободата МС ПНС
Историја на Македонија




        BACИЛEOH Alexandroy Makedonon  МАКЕДОНОН


Македонско Име вечно нема да загине.
Глава даваме, Македонија и Mакедонско име не даваме.

Од Македонија и Алекcандрoj Македонон, славeн Василeoн Македон нема да се откажеме.
Cлава македонска ќе повратиме,
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон обожaваме,
Македонија, земја нај мила уважуваме.

Малку сме на број, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ,
силни сме во бој, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ.
ЕЈ, Алекcандрoj, OJ, OJ,
ЕЈ, Македонон, OH, OH.
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон, нас не предводи.