''The Hellens''
are latin invention for one ancient religion. They
ancient nations, believed in God of the sun, which was named
differently in each ancient nation.
You must not confuse with the ''Hellenes'' after 1830, because they are a nation invented after
yeare 1832, they have nothing with the ancients, and they distinguish themselves culturally and with language,
from the ancients.
The ''HELLENS'' is a people of ancient times who worshiped, adore the God of the sun, so that is a religion, like Christianity today, NOT A NATION. That religion of ancient times today does not exist, and these people believed and worshiped the God of the sun ....
The members of the Achaean League were "Greeks" for the Romans. Of those "Greeks" only the Adzaians of the Danai's sity state Adzena were Africans, the others were Bellasti (Pellasgians) - whites.
The Achaean military alliance was not a state.
The Romans invented the "Greeks", but Latin priests after the 11th century began to spread untruths about "Greeks" and "Hellenism" and began to distort history in order to oppose to the "correct", Christianization of the Sloneni in Moravia, thus to oppose the Makedonian revivalists Cyril and Methodius and his disciples, because the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was a "powerful" tool against the Latins priests.
It was inadmissible for the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to be "Sloven-speaking", Latin priests began to invent "ancient historians" and distort the history.
The name of the Makedonian vasileos Alexandroy Makedonion to replace him with "great" - "the great", "magnus", .. to give him the epithet "hellen", which means "pagan" not a Christian.
"Hellenes" does not mean a nation but religion invented by Latin priests, the Greeks today persistently lie that "the Hellenes" is a nation.
For the Makedonians was god ILE, for the Illyrians - I'L, for nations under ancient Dzetsalia (Thessaly), which the people lived in separate cities states was DZE -
KSE, for the Adzeaians (Danai's) was Adz. ''HELLIOS'' is Latin invention, while for the Romans was APOLLO.
The alphabet KOIONON MAKEDONON undergoes changes after Roman occupation, the letter is added ''Z'' - ''zeta'', which was not in the alphabet before the Roman occupation, as evidence can be used from the third text of the Rosetta Stone, where although it is intended for the Danai's in Egypt, proof that the Danai's did not use that letter before the Romans came and there is no ''Z'' - zeta, look and see for yourself, this is a sure proof, so that letter "came" with the Romans, as well as the so-called ''Zeus'', so before the Roman occupation there is no "zeus", they were DZE and KSE - the gods of light.
DZE and KSE - the Makedonians gods of light, are erased and erased and replaced with Apollo - Roman god and so on and so on there are other changes.
''ILOTI'', native not assimilated
Pelasgians - the whites.
is Latin invention, comes from
"KS" = "ХE" Latin switches to
"H" - "hellios" to end up with us in
"helios'', they like that lie us.
When the Adzaians (Danai's) under leadership to Demosthenes together with the spartans under Spartanian avahtos Aegis 3, they mad insurrection against Makedonian military garrisons left there in the time of Makedonian Vasileos Alexandaroy Makedonon, which at that time was in military campaign against Persian Empire, Alexandaroy Makedonon send diplomatic a letter
(is lie)
to the Adzaians (Danai's) saying that:
if it is true it had to be written:
'' I do not fight just only for the Makedonians interests against Persia but and for the believers of Dze, ( in this case Adze for Adzaians (Danai's), like religion not like nation and Makedonian Vasileos Alexandaroy Makedonon believes in the God of the sun ) ... and I am believers of Dze, son of believers of Dze '' - (Makedonian Vasileos Filippoy Makedonon).
Makedonian Vasileos Filippoy Makedonon his makedonian soldiers in the battle Field of the Cross, sent makedonian soldiers with braided crowns of laurel wreath, symbol of the Sun God, then battle sacrificed 3000 captured Focians soldiers to honor of the Sun God.
Isocrates or someone else wrote this lie, about the ''Hellens'' wrote that:
'' The Hellens are intelligence '' .
This here is heavily falsified, or all of everything is falsified: Isocrates;
''Pelasgians a non Danai population spoke a barbarian language that he dont understand. Only after learning the Danai language did THEY BECOME Danai. If they speak Danai's language unquestinably be classed as Danai/ Isocrates in the Letter 9 to Archidamus.
Isocrates , ''Panegyrikos'' ; qoute ...... has brought it about that the name ''Hellenes'' suggest NO LONGER a rase but an intelligence, and that the title ''Hellenes'' is APPLIED rather to those who shere our culture than to those.
****This here is heavily falsified, or all of everything is falsified: **** In the original fake book is written:
'' Isocrates;
..Pelasgians a non hellenic population spoke a barbarian
language that he dont understand. Only after learning the
greek language did THEY BECOME greeks. If they speak greek
unquestinably be classed as greek/ Isocrates in the Letter 9
to Archidamus
Isocrates, Panegyrikos; qoute ...... has brought it about that
the name Hellenes suggest NO LONGER a rase but an intelligence
, and that the title Hellenes is APPLIED rather to those who
shere our culture than to those .''
When Makedonian Vasileos Filippoy Makedonon sacrificed 3000 captured Focians soldiers to honor of the Sun God, Isocrates said:
'' Better dead than alive ''
, from here we see how Isocrates was '' intelligent '', and his followers.
Today modern Greek manipulators and their cooperators, even today there new nation they called '' HELLAS '', lustily want the '' Hellens '' to notions AS nation, NOT AS a religion .... a religion that believed in different nations from the ancient period, which is based:
'' To adore the God of the Sun ''.... means it was their mutual, let's call idea... as Christianity or Islam or any other religion,... same religion different nations.
Coin from Argos -
Argeada, native not assimilated
Pelasgians - the whites,
(that is Makedonian alphabet KOIONON MAKEDONON ) - КSENOFILOY - КSE NO FI LOY - the most holy, the most powerful, the most holy oy, (the base of the word) - the god of light, the beginning of life and the holy., we are followers / believers of KSE (the base of the word) - the god of light, the beginning of life and the sacred. God of the light XSE - KSE who for the Pelasgians was god of the light and for the Adzeaians (Danai's) was Adze.
KSENO (the ancient god of the light) for Danai's was - foreigner. Even today for the ''greeks'' "xeno" is foreigner,
but you see "xenofiloy" in the ancient times it meant something else. You cannot say ''ksenofiloy'' we worship foreigners, you are ridiculous. Xsen - god of the sun and the light for Pelazgians (Makedonians) Dze=Kse no filoy - those who worship the god of light. "Ѕе" - Dze - XE- kse - "Dze"- God of the laight.
Xsen - god of the sun and the light for Pelazgians ( Makedonians ) Dze=Kse nofiloy - those who worship the god of light. HELLIOS - HE LLI - OS is Latin invention, comes from "KS" = "ХE" Latin switches to
"H" - "hellios" to end up with us in "helios'', .. they like that lie us.
NASELENI - Makedonian, ''SETTLED'' english, settled from Africa to Adzena (Danai's) - Peninsula of Adzenika (Attica), Peninsula of the Dze - whites - (Peloponnese - dark face).