DIE Macedonian Sun von PHILIPPOY MAKEDONON von der alten mazedonischen Hauptstadt EGEDie LEGENDE über den Anfang MAKEDONIENS:
Der Sonnengott "ILE" verliebt in die Göttin "MA" geht und kehrt zur Erde und vereinigt sich mit der Göttin MA - Aus dieser Vereinigung entsteht "MAKEDON", DER Sohn DER GÖTTER
Makedonier - kinder von Gottes Mutter Ma
macedonian coins from Aegea before king Karan ( the expelled king)
The ancient Macedonian capital Aegea ( Ege) is mentioned by ZET (king) , IGAL AL, ruler of Zeta -ancient state before 1400 B.C. who boasted that he destroy the city Ege and his shield adorned with the Sun of 8 zeti (rays). That was around 1400-1380 BC.
Macedonia is mentioned in the book of Melegene (Homer) The Illiad and The Odyssey in the War of Ilion (The Trojan War) which lasted around 1194-1184 B.C. which means 550-580 B.C. years before Karan
The name of Aegean sea come from ancient MACEDONIAN capital Aegea
The ancient name of Balcanic Penisola it's Macedonian
coin fron the land Ilion and he capital ILI (Troy )
- Iliad and the Odyssey - the Homer book
- ILI - ancient god of SUN ,..macedonians have the sun like simbol
- AD -ada - LAND
- ODYS - ODISH (macedon ,...and today 100% macedonian word ) - GO (english)
- SEY - SEI 100% macedon word and today - seed (english)
ODYSSEY in macedon CAN be interpreted and like STORY or AVENTURA story for the land ILI god of the sun - ILIAD and the ODYSSEY
The name of the land is ILION from hire ILI - ada (land of ILI god of the Sun ) and Odyssey,...AND ILI (Troy) IT'S THE CAPITAL OF THISE STATE.. ... the title of the book, the words who is clearly NOT greeks,..thise words say clearly that for the athinian manipulation. there are more of 3000 macedonians words in thise book WHO its and today MODERN macedonians words ... thise book it contains 40 000 words ancients macedonians words ,.. The ancient hellens WHERE are NOT MARKED to any place of thise book like hellens AND for much time the ancient Athinians CAN NOT to translation thise words ,..... thise book is manipulated from Athinians ,..exactly for ORDER to Pisistratus - Πεισίστρατος (venetian alfabet) the Athinian - tiran - governor give ORDER TO translat thise book and to BE ADAPTED for the ATHINIANS costums ,... Homer IS PHENICIAN and is NOT ATHINIAN. Homer never live in Athina .
Homer been born near the Meleto river in the Asia Minor
The date of Homer's existence was controversial in antiquity and is no less so
today. Herodote said that Homer lived 400 years before his own time, which would
place him at around 850 BC
but other ancient sources gave dates much closer to the supposed time of the
Trojan War.The date of the Trojan War was given as 1194 - 1184 BC by
Eratosthenes, who strove to establish a scientific chronology of events and this
date is gaining support because of recent archaeological research
According to Herodot's( the Ionian historian) the date of the birth of Homer would oscillate between the
1194 and 1184 B.C,that is it would have lived little after the war of Troy,..
in other Homer biographies it turns out instead been born in posterior, age
towards l' VIII century B.C.
one says that the true name of Homer would have been Melesigene - been born near
the Meleto river Asia Minor .
In honor of the victory over Persia , Macedonian king Alexander I organize the Olympic Games to the north side from the Holy Mountain OLIMP .At those Olympics Alexander I invites all nations who took part in the fight against Persia . WITH THAT THESE GAMES HAVE BEEN Were FIRST INTERNATIONAL GAMES Organized by the Macedonians.
Macedonian king Alexander I , organizer of the first Olympic Games
So Organizer IT'S ALEXANDER I king of Macedonia and it is held to THE Holy Mountain Olimp , in Macedonian territory ,..truly in the north part of the Holy Mountain Olimp ,...Mountain who with It borders and with Tesaly , nations who it's not hellens and it's not city states buth kingdoms with king .
from hire that it's IMMORAL LIE that the Olympic Games it's greek it's not truth and not logical because in this time the greeks DON'T EXIST. .. Greece or Hellas for the first time in history is Get into 1829 with the assistance and protection of France, Russia and the United Kingdom under King OTTO from Vitelsbah the Prince of Bavaria born in Salzburg, June 1, 1815 and died in Bamberg July 26, 1867. FOR THAT THE THEORY OF THE GREEK OLYMPIC GAMES it's IMMORAL LIE it's not truth , not logical AND INVENT .
While macedonian king Аrхеlai I continued the tradition who started his grandfather macedonian king Alexander I and introduced the holiday Оlipmpia, who it's religious holiday with with athletic competitions in honor of the victory over the Persians , ILE - the God of the Sun and muses in the Temple of ILE - the God of the Sun. Most great athletes and cultural workers were collected in one place for the event to the north part of the Holy Mountain Olimp . With the participation to the more nations thise sporting event he had an international character.
king Arxelai I - a
man of culture
After the fall of the Macedonian Monarchy the Olympic Games were banned by the Romans : ''because to maintain law and order''.
Olympic Games in 1896 were re-restored , BUT NOW WITH LIE ....That the ancient Olympic Games BEEN ''GREEK'',.. How is it possible ? the greeks and greek state DON'T EXIST in thise time,.... the Olympic Games Had been maintained on Macedonian territory Аnd organizer BEEN Macedonian rulers.
THE MACEDONIAN SUN WITH SIXTEEN SOLAR RAYS (first used by and the others peoples) FOR FIRST TIME INTRODUCED BY PHILIPOY MAKEDONON - THE MACEDONIAN , (purpose Macedonian) WHO REPRESENTS UNIFICATION OF SIXTEEN MACEDON TRIBES IN ONE STATE BY PHILIP II the MACEDONIAN KING , Than for OF GRATITUDE FROM MACEDONIANS HAS RECEIVED TITLE : >>>> MAKEDONON - THE MACEDONIAN <<<< THE MOST GLORIOUS TITLE THAT MAY RECEIVE ONE MACEDONIAN KING BY MACEDONIANS. The Macedonian tribe who Philip Macedon that he had unified it's: Adrians, Perdichians, Linchistidians, Peons, Odrisians, Moesians, Orestians, Almopians, Elimeteans, Halkidichians, Pelagonians, Ilirians, Meleisians (Еpirians), Тrachians, Dardanians and Тribalians.
Macedonia before Philip II Macedon
Macedonia in the time of Philip II Macedon
...''Alexander Makedonon is Makedon,
Makedon is Alexander Makedonon.
Hei to know: Alexander Makedonon glory king Makedon, we macedonians don't give.
we don't care for your number,
in the battle we are stronger.
EI, Alexander,
EI, Makedon.
Alexander Makedonon glory king Makedon, us lead. ''
-Battle of Chaeronea
Philip Makedonon joined Alexander with his army in 338 BC and they marched down through Thermopylae, which they took with a struggle from its Theban garrison and went on to occupy the city of Elatia, a few days march from both Athens and Thebes. Meanwhile, the Athenians led by Demosthenes voted for an alliance with Thebes in opposition to Macedon. Both Athens and Macedon sent embassies to Thebes in order to win Thebes' favour with Athens eventually gaining the alliance.
Philip carried out the mission appointed to him by the Sacred League and marched on Amphissa, captured the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes and accepted the city's surrender. Philip retreated back to Elatea and sent a final offer of peace to Athens and Thebes which was rejected.
Battle plan of the Battle of ChaeroneaThe Macedonian army of 30,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry met the united
Theban and Athenian army of 30,000 men at Chaeronea in Boeotia. Philip Makedonon commanded the Macedonian right and he gave Alexander command of the elite, Companion Cavalry - Cheta Iroi - battalion heroes, on the left flank to counter the elite Theban Sacred Band on the left flank, while Philip faced the Athenians lead by the inexperienced Demosthenes.
Philip managed to draw the Athenian left flank out of its defense position on a slope by feigning retreat. This also drew the Athenian centre from their position and they advanced to attack Philip. Alexander exploited this opportunity and charged the gap between the Thebans and the Athenian centre. Following some strong resistance, Alexander managed to route the Theban and slaughter the Sacred Band to the last man before attacking the Athenian centre. Philip's men broke the Athenian right and they attacked Athenian centre at the same time as Alexander making it break a flee.
Philip sold the captured Theban soldiers as slaves before establishing a garrison in Thebes and executing or banishing some of the city's anti-Macedonian leaders. From Thebes, he went to Athens were he gave them their captured soldiers back without a
Macedonia after died of Philipoy Makedonon
- Suppression of the rebellions to Tebes DISTRUCTION to Thebes
Believing the cityes states Tebes and Athina would remain calm, Alexander returned to Macedonian, marched east into Thrace, and campaigned as far as the Danube river. He defeated the Thracians and Tribalians in series of battles and drove the rebels beyond the river. Then he marched back across Macedonia and on his return crushed in a single week the threatening Illyrians, before they could receive additional reinforcements.
But now in Hellas, upon rumors of his death, a major revolt broke out that engulfed the whole nation. Enraged, Alexander marched south covering 240 miles in two weeks appearing before the walls of Thebes with large Macedonian army. He let the hellens know that it was not too late for them to change their minds, but the Thebans confident in their position called
Athina to join them against the Macedonians. They were not aware that the Athenians and the Peloponnesians, stunned by the speed of the Macedonian king, quickly reconsidered their options and were now awaiting the outcome of the battle before they make their next move.
Alexander's general Perdiccas attacked the gates, broke into the city, and Alexander moved with the rest of the army behind him to prevent the Thebans from cutting him off. The Macedonians stormed the city, killing everyone in sight, women and children included. 6,000 Thebans citizens died and 30,000 more were sold as slaves. The city where Alexander's father was kept as hostage for three years, was plundered, sacked, burned, and razed to the ground. Only the temples and the house of the poet Pindar were spared from distraction. This was example to the
Athens and the other rebels quickly rethought their quest for freedom.
Pelopones remained under Macedonian rule.
- The Battle of Granicus - Alexandroy Makedonon - Military Campaign of
With the conquered territories firmly in Macedonian control, Alexandroy Makedonon completed the final preparations for the invasion of Asia. The 22 year-old king appointed Philip's experienced general Antipater as regent in his absence to preside over the affairs of Macedonia
, left him a significant force of 13,500 Macedonian soldiers to watch the city states ,
Thrace, Ilyria, and protect Macedonia, and set out for the Hellespont (modern Dardanelles) in the spring of 334 BC.
As his ship approached the Asia Minor's coast, he threw his spear from abroad and stuck it in the ground. He stepped onto the shore, pulled the weapon from the soil, and declared that the whole of Asia would be won by the Macedonian spear.
In the army there were 25,000 Macedonians, soldiers of The League of Corinth:
6,600 acaranians, aetolians,
corintians, athinians (who been simply hostages) and 8,000 Thracians, Illyrians and Peonians, but the chief officers were all Macedonians, and Macedonians also commanded the foreign troops. Alexander's second in command was Philip's general Parmenio, the other important commanders being Perdicca, Crateroy, Coen, Meleager, Antigonoy, and Parmenio's son Philota. The army soon encountered the forces of King Darius III. There were 40,000 Persians and
Ionians and atinians (20,000 each) waiting for them at the crossing of the river Granicus, near the ancient city of Troy. These
atinians had joined the Persians in the years following the defeat of the
atinian army by Philip Makedonon at Chaeronea. It is important to note the number of
atinians on the both sides. The atinians in the Macedonian train were mobilized by the Macedonians, and historians Peter Green and Ulrich Wilcken speak of them as hostages that would ensure the good behavior of their countrymen left behind in
ciy state Athina and Pelopones under the watch of Antipater's Macedonian garrisons. Not surprisingly, the hellens in Alexander's army played insignificant role in the upcoming battles, only to be discharged when convenient. But far greater number of
hellens joined the Persians brushing away the memory of the Persian invasion of
At sohina and Spartaa anthe other city states me 150 years ago.
The Macedonians defeated the Persians and put them to flight and although the
Ionians and atinians held their ground and fiercely fought, the battle ended in Macedonian victory. Almost the entire
Ionian and Athinians force was annihilated. 18,000 perished on the banks of Granicus and the 2,000 survivors were sent to forced labor in Macedonia. The Macedonians lost only 120 men according to tradition.
- The Battle of Issus
In the autumn of 333 BC, the Macedonian army's encountered the Persian forces under the command of King Darius III himself at a mountain pass at Issus in northwestern Syria. 30,000 hellens again formed a sizable addition to the Darius' army as elite fighters and were positioned directly against the Macedonian phalanx. Describing the atmosphere before a battle, the Roman historian Curtius explained how Alexander raised the morale of the
Macedonians, Illyrians, Peonians , Thracians , atinians,acarasnians in his army, one at the time:
"Riding to the front line he (Alexander the Macedon) named the soldiers and they responded from spot to spot where they were lined up. The Macedonians, who had won so many battles in Europe and set off to invade Asia ... got encouragement from him - he reminded them of their permanent values. They were the world's liberators and one day they would pass the frontiers set by Hercules and Father Liber. They would subdue all races on Earth. Bactria and India would become Macedonian provinces. Getting closer to the hellens , he reminded them that those were the people (the Persians on the other side) who provoked war with Macedonia and cities states, ... those were the people that burned their temples and cities ... As the Illyrians and Thracians lived mainly from plunder, he told them to look at the enemy line glittering in gold ..." (Q. Curtius Rufus 3.10.4-10)
Darius's army greatly outnumbered the Macedonians, but the Battle of Issus ended in a big victory for Alexander. Ten's of thousands of Persians, Ionians , and other Asiatic soldiers were killed and king Darius fled in panic before the Macedonian phalanx, abandoning his mother, wife, and children behind. Alexander treated them with the respect out of consideration for their royalty.
After the siege of Tyre (332 BC), Alexander entrusted his fleet to Hephaestion, who had orders to skirt the coast and head for Gaza, their next objective, while Alexander himself led the army overland. Hephaestion's task was not an easy one, for this was not the Athenian fleet with which Alexander had started, and had earlier disbanded, but a motley collection of semi-reluctant allies of many nationalities, who would need holding together with patience and strength. Furthermore, on arrival at Gaza, the cargo of siege engines had to be unloaded, transported across difficult terrain, and reassembled.
Plutarch, while writing about Alexander's correspondence, reveals an occasion when Hephaestion was away on business, and Alexander wrote to him. The subject matter suggests that this took place while they were in Egypt. What business Hephaestion was attending to we do not know, but Andrew Chugg has suggested that it was concerned either with his command of the fleet or Athenian diplomacy. He quotes sources which suggest that Hephaestion had been approached by Aristion of Athens to effect a reconciliation between Alexander and Demosthenes, and certainly, Athens' inaction during the revolt of the Spartan king, Agis III, would seem to support the idea. As Chugg says, "If he did persuade Alexander to reach an accommodation with Demosthenes at this critical juncture, as would seem likely from the circumstances, then he was significantly responsible for saving the situation for Macedon in
Hellas by preventing the revolt of Agis spreading to Athens and her allies.
-The Battle of Gaugamela
At Tyre, Alexander received reinforcements from Europe, reorganized his forces, and started for Babylon. He conquered the lands between rivers Tigris and Euphrates and found the Persian army at the plains of Gaugamela, near modern Irbil in Iraq, which according to the exaggerated accounts of antiquity was said to number a million men. The Macedonians spotted the lights from the Persian campfires and encouraged Alexander to lead his attack under cover of darkness. But he refused to take advantage of the situation because he wanted to defeat Darius in an equally matched battle so that the Persian king would never again dare to raise an army against
The two armies met on the battlefield the next morning, October 1, 331 BC. On the Persian side were numerous Asiatic nations - Bactrians, Indians, Medians, Sogdians, even Albanians from the Caucasus, the ancestors of the modern Albanians who many centuries later migrated to Europe and are now northern neighbors to the modern Greeks(hellens) and western neighbors to the modern Macedonians. The survivors of the 50,000
Ionians and athinians which Darius had on his side at the beginning of the war were also among the Persian ranks.
the beginning of the battle the Persian forces split and separated the two
Macedonians wings. The wing of general Parmenio appeared to be backing down, but
Alexander's cavalry rode straight after Darius and forced again his flight like
he did at Issus. Darius fled to Ecbatana in Media, and Alexander occupied
Babylon, the imperial capital Susa, and the Persian capital Persepolis, and was
henceforth proclaimed king of Asia. Four months later, the Macedonians burned
the royal palace in Persepolis, completing the end of the ancient Persian
- Suppression of the Athinian and Spartan rebellion, Discharge of the athinians , and the Death of Darius III
Meanwhile in Athina , under the leadership of Sparta rose to a rebellion against the Macedonian occupation. Antipater was in Thrace at the time and the hellens took the opportunity to push back the Macedonian forces. But their initial victory did not last for long as Antipater returned with a large army, defeated the rebels, and regained Athina and Sparta. 5,300 athino-spartans , including the Spartan king Agis III were killed, while the Macedonians lost 3,500 men.
In Asia, the news of the beginning of the helenic rebellion had Alexander so deeply worried, that he immediately sent money to Antipater to counter it. And when he learned that the hellens were defeated, Alexandroy Makedonon discharged all soldiers of the League of Corinth forces in his army. He no longer needed these hostages and potential troublemakers.
Macedonian Empire of Alexander III Macedon
[4] War against macedonians
- Lamian War
The “Lamian War”, also referred to as the “War against macedonians ” , was fought by the Athenians and their Aetolian, Locrian, and Phocian allies against the Macedonians in Thessaly during the winter of (323–322 BC). After some initial successes, the Athenians and her allies besieged the town of Lamia, located on the southern slope of the Othrys Mountains on the Malic Gulf, where Antipater, regent of Macedon and commander of the Macedonian forces in Europe, had taken refuge behind the substantial fortifications of the city. Unsuccessful in their siege, the rebel Athenians were eventually defeated at the Battle of Crannon in Thessaly in 322, bringing the uprising to an end.
Following Alexander the Great’s death in 323 in Babylon, the Athenians were moved to be liberate from Macedonian hegemony, whence the name “War against macedonians ”. Shortly before Alexander expired he had ordered the return of all exiles hitherto banished from the hellenic cities states . For the most part this measure was popular, but was unwelcome in Athens and Aetolia for different reasons, and the death of Alexander was to be their opportunity for repealing this act. Swayed principally by Hypereides, a staunch anti-Macedonian rhetor and demagogue, the Athenians went to war in the hopes of engendering a new, anti-Macedonian League, and appointed Leosthenes general of the allied forces.
The total anti-macedonian
force at the outset of the war appears to have been 25,000 strong and was comprised of up to 10,000
Athenians, 12,000 Aetolians and various contingents of mercenary forces.
Antipater, commander of the Macedonian forces in Europe, meanwhile scrambled to assemble Macedonian
troops, most of which were engaged in Asia or in transit to or from that
continent. He set out against the rebels with an initial force of some 13,000
troops, with messages sent to various commanders to bring reinforcements.
The Thessalians originally sided with Antipater, but were quickly persuaded to join the Athenians as
allies. This sudden shift in strength led to some early confederate successes against Antipater, and he was constrained to seek refuge in the fortified city of Lamia. The Athenians and her
allies, despite their early successes, were bogged down in their siege of Lamia. The well-walled town proved impregnable to the
Athenians, and their commander Leosthenes was mortally wounded during a sallying forth from the city by the Macedonians who sought to harass their ditch-digging
besiegers. His death prompted the Athenians to retreat.
That year Hypereides pronounced the funeral oration over the dead including his friend
Leosthenes. Antiphilus was appointed as his replacement. Soon after the Athenian retreat from the walls of Lamia, Macedonian
reinforcements, 20,000 infantry and 1,500 calvarly, arrived from Asia under the command of
Leonnat. The Athenian naval fleet had been defeated at the battle of Amorgos and had not succeeded in preventing these reinforcements’ succoring Antipater.
The Athenian and allied forces were finally defeated in 322 at the Battle of Crannon in central Thessaly after Antipater had managed to join with Leonnatus and
Craterus. Together they beat back the weary Athenians in a long series of cavalry and hoplite
engagements. While the allied forces were not routed, the outcome was decisive enough to compel the Athenians and her allies to sue for peace on Antipater’s terms
Antipater made peace treaties with the rebellious cities separately and on generous terms. The Athenians were made to dissolve their government and establish a plutocratic system in its stead, whereby only those possessing 2,000 drachmas or more could remain citizens. This was done in the belief that the poorer elements of the society had compelled the war in the first place. Hypereides was condemned to death, fled, and was probably captured and killed in Euboea. Demosthenes was forced to commit suicide by Antipater for his role in supporting the War against macedonians.
Greece or Hellas for the first time in history is Get into 1829 with the assistance and protection of France, Russia and the United Kingdom under King OTTO from Vitelsbah the Prince of Bavaria born in Salzburg, June 1, 1815 and died in Bamberg July 26, 1867 .
[1].The Ionian historian Herodotus - Before the teritory of the United City States was populated with Pelasgians and with coming to the Ionians they was ASSIMILATED in hellens (Herodote I, 57-58) .
- Isocrates;
Pelasgians a non hellenic population spoke a barbarian language that he dont understand. Only after learning the hellenic language did THEY BECOME hellens. If they speak hellenic unquestinably be classed as hellens/ Isocrates in the Letter 9 to Archidamus .- Isocrates ,
Has brought it about that tha name Hellenes suggest NO LONGER a rase but an intelligence , and that the title Hellenes is APPLIED rather to those who shere our culture than to those .
[3] .The INVENTION OF THE NAME FROM THE Ionian historian Herodotus : The name of hellens come from the city HELLEA ,the first city where come in sauth of Europe the Ionians , from Arabic penisola and Africa .The name of hellens come from thise city Hellea who is concuist from the Pelasgians.
- Herodotus:
Athina is old Pelazgian city. ........................ witch meens daughter (on macedonian)- Herodotus:
1. Buth WE macedonians have and oure linguistics theory :
name HELLENS come form MACEDONIAN word : ISELENI ,translatein english :TRANSFERRED
SELEN(macedon)- HELEN(greek)ELLA(come-greek ,ELA -come -macedon)-ELLAS - HELLAS
- TRANSFERRED(english)
[4]. Diodorus - Cadmus ,Phoenician founder of Thebes(around 1400 B.C) and brother of Europa taught to the Hellens the alphabet, which he had brought from Phoenicia .Hellens taught these letters by the Phoenicians and adopted them, with a few alterations,for their own use, continuing to refer to them as the Phoenician characters (110.III Pg.305) .
[5] The Romans RINAMED the popolation under Termopile in GREEKS after the battle to the place Greko.
- Pausanias ;
2.1.14 .. Corinth is NO LONGER inhabited by any of the old Corinthians,BUT BY COLONIST PUT by ROMANS[6] Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus one of the biger experts of ancient macedonian history AND hime selfe life in the time of ancient macedonians when macedonians be inslaved by the Romans IT WRITES :the Macedonians have PELAZGIAN ORIGIN (Justin. VII, 1, 3)
[7] .Titus Livius, book XXX, р. 29
still exists not assimilated Pelazgians AFTER coming to the Romans to the Pelopones and thise is the AKARANIANS and AETIOLIANS and they speak spread like MacedoniansTit Livi, book XXX, p. 29 the Akaranians ,Aetiolians and Macedonias THEY SPEAK SAME language DIFFERENT and NOT HELLENIC language
- ''Aetolos, Acarnanas, Macedonas eiusdem linguae hominess''[8] .The biger ancient ahinian geograf Strbos- Στράβων it writes : Tesalia the land BETWEEN Athina and Macedonia the poplation who life in Tesalia is with Pelazgian origin (Страбо, p. 221-4)
- The popolation in Tesalia is from RELASGIAN origin
[10].Ancient athinian ore spartan language is TOTALLY differente of the modern greek language who is on of the two greek dialects Katharevousa und Dimotiki START selectet 1976 by linguistic greeks experts ,1976.
-The athinian ancient language is TOTALLY different of the modern greek language and the Greeks must to go in school to understand and to interpret the ancient athinian language
- DIFEREN the MODERN MACEDONIANS UNDERSTANDS 100% the ancient words from ancients Macedonians and TO AS is dont need to go in school to UNDERSTAND oure macedonian language
OUR MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE who for centuries IS not changed ,.. oure macedonian language IT'S SAYS who we are and that it's MACEDONIANS.[11]. According to the ancient athinians all persons who speaks their language involves and creed can be to declare itself HELLENS ,... THISE RULE IT WAS NOT WORTH for Aristotel who is REFUSED from Athinians and Athinian ancient university because it was not been BORN HELLEN ,...
- Ironic and to laugh its that the greks is manipulated from they teachers who teach them that THE ARISTOTEL GIVE THEM THE NAME GREECE AND from hire GREEKS because Aristotel for the first time coll the athinians like GREEKS... the greeks today want to sey THE man who is REFUSED from ancient hellens give them the name to modern greeks ,... Greece and Greeks[12] The ancient librarie from Alexandia who fondator is Ptolomei the cousins of Alehander III Macedon the Great is BURN from the Romans and some of the books of Aristotel is transcribed in arabic FOR arabs use and not only books from Aroistotel , its MANIPULATED AND mistaken interpreted ... from these books the modern civil world know for the ancient history ,..thanks to arabs ,...
[13] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ is ancient macedonian - venetian written AND it's MACEDONIAN word
ΒΑΣ - VASH (macedon) YOURE (english)
ΙΛΕ - BOGOT na sonceto-vashiot bog (macedon) GOD of the SUN
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - VASILEOS - YOURE KING - YOURE MASTER (english) - TVOJOT VLADETEL ( macedonian )[14] Greece like UNITED STATE FOR FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY 1829 with german monarh Otto:
"When King Otto of Greece came in Greece in 1830, he hardly heard anyone speak in Greek and so he asked: "Where are the Greeks in Athens?" His court looked at each other and answered: "There are no Greeks, but do not be troubled because this Albanian population will always be faithful to your monarchy".
King Otto, Zaharias Papantoniou
[Then in 1042, the Romea (Byzantine Empire) attacked by macedonian insurrection under command to the macedonian leader Petar Delian, after having defeated the Arabs in Sicily and having brought the Sicilian Albanians under their command and christianizing them. The leader of the Byzantines who led the Albanians was named Georgius Maniakos. Maniakos brought Albanian mercenaries from Sicily to fight the Macedonians insurrection and they settled in two waves in modern day Albania, first the mercanaries came, and then came the women and children. After the defeat of Maniakos, the Byzantines would not let the Albanians return, thus the Albanians requested that the Macedonians let them stay on the land. They settled under mount Raban and the city of Berat and from this, the macedonians called them "Rabanasi" or "Arbanasi". The city of Berat was known as Belgrad also, before the Albanians came to settle there. They mostly tended sheep and cattle.]
The true interpretation of name SLOVEN is: SLO - VEN : words to the Venets, people who speaks venetian language
George Kastriot - a second Alexander Macedon was born May 6. 1405, died January 17. 1468
is buried in Kroia.
George Kastrioti is a
prince and later ruler of Macedonia and Epirus in Kroia a capital, today
Albania or otherwise MOUNTAIN MACEDONIA. He is a son of Ivan and
Vojislava ( sister of Prince Marko) daughter Volkasin Prilep-king who was the
brother to Uglješa Ser king, two tragic actors in battle of Marica.
George Kastrioti was a personal friend with
neapols Kng Alfonso, many times sent soldiers Weird
Heapol to defend King Alfonso of enemies.
George Kastrioti when was young, his
father send hime in school to Venice, where he earned and military education.
>>>>>>>>>> That: George Kastriot was captured by the Ottomans with the they brothers. His older brothers: Constantine and Reposh were killed,. (Repsh, son of Ivan (+ 1449) was a diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St. George of Mount Athos, where he is is buried) ''....if is killed how become diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St. George of Mount Athos''? , and Giorge Kastriot became a soldier - ianichar, the favorite of the Sultan Murat is a BIG LIE <<<<<<<<
"Bartleti Martin, the oldest biography of the 14th century, calls:
George Kastriot George REX MACEDUM
Certainly, the
family Kastriot is from Macedonian tribe Miyaks, The word "castrate" is Macedonian etymology, as the word: kastri - trimming
Data on important figures from the ancestry Kastriotite:
- Constantine (1186-1247) ruler-arhont. Ruled territory until Middle the Matia, the city Drcha (Drač) to the north, to below Ioannina, in the south.
- John (1261-1327), known as Kaninski was ruler. Property of his grandfather Constantine has spread to the north over river Drin, covering the cities , Dajin, Kilkis (Kukes) Svetigrad and Debar.
- John, son of Branko, grandson of John, between 1348 and 1357 was bishop in Drcha (Drač).
- Methodius, the son of Brane (+ 1411) was bishop of the diocese Krojskata.
- Alexander, son of Paul (+ 1418) was a duke and a member of the Holy See in Rome.
- Repsh, son of Ivan (+ 1449) was a diplomat and abbot of the monastery of St.. George, of Mount Athos, where he is is buried.
- Brane son repos (+ 1496) was a diplomat and commander in the defense of the capital city Kroija from the Ottomans.
- Slavianin, the son of Constantine (+ 1503) diplomat and commander of the city Debar, defender from the Turks.
- Gojko, son of Angelina Ambassador to the Epirus kingdom to Venice.
- George, son of Ivan, in 1444 proclaimed king of Macedonia and Epirus and for a second Alexander III Macedon.
In the 13th book of Martin Barleti
15th century, entitled "Vita et praeclare interests gestae Christi Athletae
Gheorghiu Castrioti Epirotarum principis, ljui heroicam virtutem propter suam a
Turcis Scander Bey, id est est Aledzhander Magnus cognominatus Libris XIII",
he gives detailed Information for George - a second Alexander of Macedon - and
his army. The composition of the army of George Kastriot Martin Barleti says it
is composed of elected people of Debar, which are also Macedonians "Scanderbegus
... VIAS patentes inter manipulos antesignario Dibranis suis et Macedonicis
edzhplevit (EA Lewis armature era).''
Charter of Ivan Kastriot Hillendar the
monastery in 1426: "After neizrechenom milosrdiju moego assistant bishop
sinful and unworthy, do not laugh nareshti the edge Christ Boega moego Ivan
Kastriot and sons moimi Stanishom and Reposhem and Konstantinova and Gergiem
prilozhismo Holy ... Monastery Velikova pure vladichice Hillendar bays and
attached village and village Radostushe crkvom St. Bogorodicom pure, tazhe Tues
Vol population Radostushe Trebishtem village and the village ... "
Srendovekoven Macedonian! And who and where villages and AGS Radostusha (Rostuše)
1912 FOR
the greeks it continues to hide the ethnic cleansing in ocupated Aegean
Macedonia in 21 century STILL THEY DENY theCIVILL and HUMANS RIGHTS TO
MACEDONIANS , in 21 century
Balkan Wars
The First Balkan War, which lasted from October 1912 to May 1913, pitted the Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire. The combined armies of the Balkan states overcame the numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies, and achieved rapid success. As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies, and an independent Albanian state set up. Despite its success.
Bulgaria was unsatisfied with the peace settlement and with the Ottoman threat gone, soon would start a The Second Balkan War broke out on 16 June 1913 when Bulgaria attacked its erstwhile allies in the First Balkan War , Serbia and Greece, while Montenegro, Romania and the Ottoman Empire intervened later against Bulgaria. The outcome turned Serbia, an ally of the Russian Empire, into an important regional power, alarming Austria-Hungary and thereby indirectly providing an important cause for World War I.
After Balkans wars 1913 to the coference of London , Macedonia is separated in 4 parts :
- BETWEEN . the new state Albania , Serbia,Bulgaria and Greece,
Also after the first World War the Macedonia is not indipendent buth its separation only was reconfirmed to the conference of Bucharest.
separation of Macedonia after I World War to the conference Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919
The greek etnic cleansing and genocide of macedonians in Aegean part of Macedonia
1912 began a great ETNIC CLEANSING and genocide of Macedonians...the cruelty displayed by the Greek soldiers in their dealings towards the Macedonian people was merciless 135 000 of the Macedonians expelled 200 vilages from Aegean part of macedonia where COMPLETELY destroed ....
greeks crimes against
greeks crimes against macedonians
1913 the greeks army burnet the Macedonian town Kukush with 1,846 houses,612 shops,6 factories at same time 4,000 houses where burned to the ground in the Seres vicinity.
macedonian refugees
350 000 moslems were EXPELLED from the Agean part of Macedonia 40 000 of these
were Macedonians moslems in place of the Macedonians expelled to Bulgaria and
Turkey the Greek state resettled 618 000 persons of Greece and NON-Greeee
origin and greeks from Tufky in the Agean part of Macedonia
1913 after separation Greek government activ the policy of the denial of the
nationality and the assimilation of the Macedonians
the name Macedonian and Macedonian language were PROHIBITED and the
Macedonians were referred to as BULGARIANS ,Slavophons Greeks or simlle ''endopes''(natives)
and the same time ALL Macedonians were FORCED to change their names and
surnames, the latter to end in: IS -OS-POULOS
With the deniei of the Macedonian nation went the NON RECOGNITION of the
Macedonian language its was proibited,minimized and it was considered a
barbarina language
Macedonian language between parents children among villagers and weddins and
the written use of Macedonian also strictly prohibited and
macedonian literancy was being eliminated from the churches ,monuments and
TOMBSTONES...ALL the churches were given Greek names
1926 the Greek government on the change TOPONYMS of the Agean part of
Macedonia ALL vilages,towns ,rivers and mountanians were RENAMED and given
Greek names.The Greek state achieved a policyof state terror
1936 general Metaxas bannet the use of Macedonian not only in everyday life in
the vilages in the market- place in ordinary and natural human COMUNUCATIONS
and funerals , but also within the FAMILY CIRCLE.Adult Macedonians were FORCED
to attend what were know as evening schools ant to learn ''the greek
melodious'' VIOLATION to this rule is DEPORTED to desolate Greek islands
the Protection of Northen Greece organization PAD and other such MILITARY
FORMATON using the teror muder deportation : 3 482 houses were burned down ,80
vilages consisting of 1 605 families were plundered and 1 045 head of large
live STOCK and 23 382 head of small investok were confiscated
greeks crimes against macedonians
greeks crimes against macedonians
greeks crimes against macedonians
The situation was no different in the other areas of Aegean Macedonia. In 1948
the majority of the Macedonian population of western and central Aegean
Macedonia fled to Yugoslavia and Albania in order to save their lives. More
than 60,000 Macedonian men and women were forced to seek, refuge outside the
country, fleeing across the border.
In June 1946 a group of Greek Members of Parliament suggested that the Greek
Parliament issue a decree for the forced deportation of all Macedonians from
the Aegean part of Macedonia, a suggestion which was justified by their
alleged activities, which were said to be a threat to the integrity and
sovereignty of Greece and a danger to the peace.
the Greek monarcho-fascists was the forced resettlement of their villagers and
the dumping of them in special camps in urban centres, which had begun as
early as 1946. According to the statistics, 213,000 people were forcibly
exited from the Aegean part of Macedonia. The terror, mass murder and other
forms of repression proved ineffective when it came to breaking the spirit of
A group of Macedonian female partisans, participants in the Greek Civil War (1946 - 1949) on the side of NOF and DAG
The macedonian national liberation movement grew into an important and in
certain periods even a decisive military and political factor in the country,
one with clear and defined strategic goals. More than 20,000 Macedonians
served in the ranks of the Democratic Army of Greece (DAG) and its auxiliary
The liberated territory, covering mainly the territory of Aegean Macedonia,
had popular rule, Macedonian people's schools, a Macedonian people's
printing-house which published newspapers and other material in Macedonian,
cultural and arts groups and other Macedonian institutions.
1948 the Greek government passed the "M" Decree ordering the
confiscation of the property of those individuals who had taken part in the
Civil War on the side of the Communist Party of Greece (CPG) and SMNOF, and of
those who had assisted these organizations and whose Greek citizenship had
been revoked. In addition to this decree, the "N" Decree was passed
on 2nd April 1948. This decree revoked the right of inheritance of all those
who had taken part in or helped the Civil War.
On 23rd February 1953 a meeting of the Greek military and administrative
authorities in Macedonia was held in Thessaloniki at which it was decided to
propose that the Greek government pass a law on the resettlement and
re-inhabiting of the so-called sensitive border areas of the Aegean part of
Macedonia. it was suggested that all Macedonians from within 60 kilometers of
the border be resettled, .....
as disloyal elements, and that in their place Greeks loyal to the regime
should be brought in as "healthy elements" with "pure Greek
national awareness . The Greek government accepted this proposal and submitted
it to the Greek Parliament which, on 4th August 1953, passed Law NL- 2536 on
the resettlement of the population from the border areas.
A total of 28,000 children, aged 2-14 years, left their war-torn homeland for the safety of the Eastern European countries. With the assistance of the Red Cross in these countries, they were housed, fed and educated. Tragically, 1,200 children between the ages of 14-15 were brought back to the battlefield by the Provisional Government of the Greek Communists, the majority of whom were slaughtered in the last days of the Greek Civil War
In accordance with the regulations of this law special state commissions were formed which effected the resettlement, selected people of pure Greek origin and established them in the Macedonian border areas, handing over to them the Macedonians, property. Among these people there were Greek nationalists, chauvinists and anti-Macedonians who had distinguished themselves in the struggle against NOF and DAG.
A case in point, and not an isolated one, is that of the group of Macedonian
villages called Janovenski in the Kostur region, the inhabitants of which had
all fought in the ranks of DAG. Some of the inhabitants of these villages
did not emigrate but were resettled in other parts of Macedonia. When the
Civil War ended they requested to be allowed to return to their villages, but
their request was turned down and their properties were pillaged and their
homes demolished.
macedonian refugees
40,000 people residing in East European countries (Macedonians) the Greek government could not accept or apply the principle of free repatriation.
40,000 people residing in East European countries (Macedonians) the Greek government could not accept or apply the principle of free repatriation. On 30th December 1982 greek government passed a law on the free repatriation of refugees from Greece, i.e. of those "Greek by birth", by which the Macedonians (as non-Greeks by birth) were deprived of the possibility of returning to their homes, to the country of their birth.
1986 The Greek paper "Elefteros
Tipos" announces that Prime-Minister Papandreu in the talks with Yugoslav
presidency member Stane Dolanc has agreed to recognize the Macedonian language
as one of the official languages in Yugoslavia.
1988 Greek Prime-Minister Papandreu and
the Foreign Affairs' Karolos Papulias, agree to recognize the Macedonian
language in Greece. The banker's affair "Koskotas" brings down the
PASOK government, and the documents were never signed
the political party of Greece PASOK recognize the Macedonians 1982
Greece before 1989 with decree PROHIBITS NAME MACEDONIA OF the ocupated part of Macedonia 1912 in greek north province
pag. of the greek geographic atlas before 1989
Greece after 1989 with decree nominee NAME OF MACEDONIA the GREEK province of north ( the ocupated part of Macedonia 1912) and begins to deny the existence of Republic of Macedonia
1946 Bulgaria, under the leadership of Geogi Dimitrov officially recognizes the existence of the Macedonian nation and the right of the Pirin part of Macedonia to be attached to the People's Republic of Macedonia. The majority of the population in the Pirin part of Macedonia declares itself as Macedonian in a free census for Bulgaria .
1956] In the Bulgarian census of 1956, the majority of
the population of Pirin Macedonia again declares itself as Macedonian. Since
then Bulgaria under nationalist Todor Zhivkov reverts its decision of
recognizing the Macedonian nation and once again forbids free expression of
Macedonian nationality and language.
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Macedonia is ALL ☼ Party of the People of Freedom ☼ MA PPF
History of Macedonia